King Melchior the Lion

King Melchior took his throne when his father King Geraint the Hawk, who was killed in battle fifty-four years ago. He was only a child. He was raised to be King by his fathers best friend and counselor, Darshaka Asen. He was taught in the ways of war, court and ruling. He is an old man now and still counsels the King. His son Diomedes Hyldetan Asen, who serves as a personal body guard for the king and commander of the black guard. Rumors abound about the relationship of the King and his body guard. Melchior has not married yet. His mother Queen Martina Rijal, taught him to be a gentleman and education. He is very intelligent and well read. Unlike his father, he is very shrewd and thinks out his moves and counter moves. He leadership has brought peace to the kingdom, or at least a treaty. He is very ambitious and wants to expand his rule, but this seems a little out of reach due to his lack of an heir. He is looking into several marriages with other kingdoms, or his mother is. candidates.
  1. Song Talae - princess of the Xia dynasty she is located in Rōgu. She is a royal hostage at this point.
  2. Thubara Llaney - Princess of Llaney, daughter of King Lyal Llaney.
  3. Camilla Galla - Princess of Adamant, a dwarf princess, He father will never let this marriage happen. But he is old and his young wife is pushing this marriage.
  4. Judith Aika - Warrior Princess of BARAD MARCI, She and sisters are all warriors.
  5. Zhang Wimala - Shadow Princess of Wayford; the people of Wayford wear mask, so no one has seen what she looks like.
Year of Birth
1968 AE 55 Years old

Articles under King Melchior the Lion


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