Arch-Duke Louis Orvoler Character in The Elder Scrolls: Nexus | World Anvil
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Arch-Duke Louis Orvoler

Despite gaining his position from his deeply loathed cousin's rule as king, Louis Orvoler is a well liked and respected ruler of Alcaire, an opinion he has fought fiercely to gain. Many derided his appointment as Arch-Duke as yet another chance for King Barynia to enhance his family's position within the kingdom, however Louis has been a strong, dutiful and decisive ruler; often disagreeing with his cousin's decisions and standing up for the people of Alcaire.    When the Thalmor entered Alcaire they found a city that was deep in Talos worship, as the city is one of the strongest claimants to being the birthplace of Tiber Septim. So the Thalmor rooted out the Man-God's worshipers, destroyed the statue to Talos, sacked the temple and arrested The Holy Order of Talos. Louis Orvoler would not stand for it, but understanding his position was limited in this matter, in true Orvoler manner, he made a deal with the Thalmor. Talos worship would be banned but they were to stop arresting citizens without the presence of the city watch, they were to leave the temple and The Holy Order of Talos was to be released and allowed to continue as the Knights of the Rose, the symbol of Alcaire. The Thalmor agreed and whist no is fond of the situation, the people respected Louis for doing everything he could to protect them from the Altmeri Justiciars.    When you arrived in Alcaire, you informed the Arch-Duke of the attack on Wayrest and following your dismissal from the king, he asked to meet in Koeglin where he founded the Order of Pints and swore to legitimise the order once proof was found of King Barynia's hand in the attack on Wayrest, making Louis King, as he is next in line, due to the murder of Barynia's family.
Arch-Duke of Alcaire


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