Chapter I: The Promised Beginning Report in The Elder Scrolls: Nexus | World Anvil
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Chapter I: The Promised Beginning

General Summary

"Each event is preceded by Prophecy. But without the hero, there is no Event." —Zurin Arctus, the Underking   Destiny is a fickle master. At once it seems inevitable, yet when it does not arrive or even, when it arrives in disguise, there are questions about its true nature. Your destiny is written in the scrolls, foreseen before the beginning and described on the tides of fate. But, just like the ocean, these tides are changeable; never stagnant, always moving.   The I.T.S Swiftwind was destined to reach Wayrest and for its passengers to reach their destination safely; to begin their new lives from the springboard of the trade capital of Tamriel. Yet the ship never made it. When the Imperial vassal made its way through the Iliac bay, its approach to the city docks was halted by the scenes of Wayrest being attacked by a group of Vampire pirates, led by a mysterious captain, a man who shoulders no pain and feels no remorse.   As the pirates attacked the ship our heroes found themselves joined together in combat. 4 strangers, barely acquainted, yet the invisible hand of fate placed them together; and so a new scroll was written.   Together they fought off the pirates valiantly, but constant spell-fire from the Adamantine tower on its Isle of Balfieria destroyed the ship and so our heroes had to be rescued by the ever vigilant Bathes-In-Sand, an Argonian as yellow as the tranquil Koeglin beach he is Earl of.   From the depths rose our 4 heroes. Niiran Ashunimab, a Dunmer haiing from the Ash Tribes of Vvardenfel. A necromancer of the College of Whispers, Niiran was journeying to Wayrest by request of it's Magistus, who required assistance with retrieving a magical item from a powerful warlock.   Trebor Fortis, former Imperial guard, dismissed from service and journeying to Wayrest to seek redemption as a knight. For where better than High Rock to make a name for yourself as a Paladin.   Skargob, the undefeated, hero of the Skyrim civil war was of much fame and was touted by an Arena scout as the next great gladiator, however the Orc needed to prove himself and so with his Legion contract bought out, Skargob made his way to High Rock to begin the path of Arena combatant.   Pietea Ocvidius was raised to be a strong and responsible woman, taught to always help others and take pity on the poor and needy. This led her to the Vigil of Stendarr who took her in and trained the Bruma born Imperial to become a fierce opponent of the occult and a steadfast protector of the downtrodden. Pietea made her way to Wayrest to help her fellow Vigilants in further establishing the Vigil in High Rock; a land of many wild evils that even its mightiest knights could not tame.   As the group assembled on the beach, Bathes-In-Sand pulled two more survivors from the wreck, an Imperial named Julius Serpabsondis, on his way to meet his father in Wayrest. The young man appears timid in nature but there is something lurking behind those piercing red eyes. The Earl of Koeglin also managed to rescue a Bosmer named Wyndrama who was on her way to High Rock to learn the ways of the witches in her training to become a Lady of the Wood back in her native Valenwood.   As the party gathered their strength they traveled to the nearby city of Alcaire to seek aid. On their way they saw a huge line of refugees fleeing a now sacked Wayrest. Among them Niiran recognised a group of fellow Acolytes of the College of Whispers, learning that the pirates attacked during a name-day celebration and they were killing indiscriminately. They were unsure if anyone else of the College Cynosure managed to escape, but they did reveal that the artifact Niiran was going to be tasked with recovering was the fabled Necromancer's Amulet.   Upon arrival to Alcaire the party found a huge queue to gain entrance to the city. Thanks to Skargob they forced their way to the front of the line and entered the city, where they headed straight to the Castle, seeking the Arch-Duke. They found the gates locked and guarded, but fortunately Bathes-In-Sand also sought audience with the Arch-Duke and assisted the group in entering the castle. Once Inside they could hear two men arguing and as they drew closer they could see Arch-Duke Louis Orvoler in heated discussion with none other than the King of Wayrest himself; somehow escaping the chaos that engulfed his city. The King retired to his temporary chambers and the party spoke with Louis.   They explained what they saw and the distressing news of the Pirate Captain and his Dreadnought. The Archduke was unsure of what to do but offered the group a room for the night in the castle whilst he considered the next move. The party took him up on his offer and attempted to sleep following a harrowing night.

Rewards Granted

The party Ascended to 2nd Level.

Missions/Quests Completed

The Promised Beginning Quest: Failed


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