Bathes-In-Sand Character in The Elder Scrolls: Nexus | World Anvil
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The Earl of Menevia and Lord of Koeglin Village, this unusual, yellow Argonian is a lizard of few words, yet their actions speak more than mere words ever could. Brave, kind and with a gaze that strikes so deep, you can feel them staring into your soul.   Bathes-In-Sand is somewhat of a mystery. No one knows where they came from or how long they've been in High Rock and yet you will find no mightier defender of the people of Wayrest. When Barynia Orvoler declared himself king, following House Orvoler's political maneuvering and deep pockets, the people were close to riot. The Kingdom of Wayrest was in chaos as fury over this power grab reached melting point. On The Day of the Empty Purse, Barynia ordered his eponymous Knights of the Purse to end the rebellion by any means necessary.   These Resplendent knights, in their golden armour and polished swords, glistening in the summer sun, accosted women and children; holding them hostage and threatened to kill them unless the rebellion surrendered. Knight-Commander Jacque Destoix displayed his captives in Merchant's Square, the central plaza of Wayrest and commanded that the leaders of the rebellion hand themselves in, or piece by piece the captives would be carved apart. Just as the bloodletting was about to begin Bathes-In-Sand stood forward and drew their sword. They were not a leader of this rebellion, yet they could not allow this to continue and so the yellow Argonian, bright as the sun, challenged the Knight-Commander to a duel in Bretonic tradition. Destoix laughed. "The terms?" he asked. "The end of the Purse," Bathes-In-Sand replied. The Knight-Commander leaped down from his plinth and drew a mighty broadsword; it had been years since he faced a formal challenge, never had he known defeat.   In an epic contest the two battled blow to blow, seemingly matched in skill. The powerful, brutish Knight-Commander and the elegant lizard engaged in a deadly dance; until, Destoix stood upon the Argonian's tail and raised his sword to land the final blow over his now trapped enemy. However, Bathes-In-Sand is anything but predictable and as the broadsword was swung, they shed their tail to avoid the blow. The lizard then took Destoix by surprise and landed him on his back, sword to the now disgraced knight's throat. Destoix surrendered and Bathes-In-Sand's victory would mean the dissolution of the knights of the purse. Overwhelmed with fury Destoix attempted to attack Bathes-In-Sand whilst their back was turned, but the Lizard was too cunning for the man and sidestepped his attack, slashing their sword, severing his left ear.   Following his victory Barynia knew he was defeated and if he was to hold onto his crown he would have to appease the masses and so the Knights of the Purse were disbanded, The Orvoler family would commit much of their wealth over to the people and Bathes-In-Sand was made the Earl of Menevia, choosing the tiny Koeglin village as their home.   And so, 20 years after The Day of the Empty Purse, Bathes-In-Sand can still be found relaxing in the shallows of Koeglin beach, acting as its sworn protector.     When you were shipwrecked following the pirate attack of Wayrest, it was Bathes-In-Sand who rescued you and your companions, as well as Julius, Wyndrama and Skip the Vvardvark. When The Order of Pints was formed, it was Bathes-In-Sand who acted as your hierophant, a role meaning they are ultimately responsible for your order.
Earl of Menevia and Lord of Koeglin   Hierophant to The Order of Pints


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