Charlotte Mournesorrow Character in The Elder Scrolls: Nexus | World Anvil
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Charlotte Mournesorrow

The Countess of Gauvidon and wife to Edward Mornesorrow. Charlotte was an Orvoler by birth and 5th cousin to king Barynia Orvoler, however she was married off to create a political alliance with House Mornesorrow, who has historically ruled Gauvidon.    The Lady Charlotte was, however, desperately unhappy in her marriage to Edward, finding him a lazy, unambitious and boring man. She equally loathed the children they had together, treating them with nothing but contempt and disregard. The Countess did manage to find happiness with a mysterious sailor with whom she had an affair with; with the knowledge and acceptance of her husband. However, this sailor's visits suddenly ended, and Charlotte did not see him for many years. This further embittered Charlotte to her husband's dullness, she ached for excitement, for passion and for danger, so when the sailor returned revealing himself to be a vampire (indeed one of the very vampires that assaulted Wayrest) and offered to turn the Countess so they could live for eternity in love and blood; Charlotte offered her neck willingly to his fangs.   She helped the pirates attack on the kingdom by becoming a Vampire Broodmother; a creature that births bloodspawn from the stitched together wombs of her mortal victims. She created a hoard of these bloodspawn and enthralled her husband to finally take the mantle of what she considers a man and lead the bloodspawn to find the King.    The Knights of Pints found her den of Aphren's Hold and destroyed the Countess's birthing pods, eventually killing her and ending any possibility of her raising a bloodspawn army.


Charlotte Mournesorrow

5th Cousin

Towards King Barynia Orvoler


King Barynia Orvoler

5th Cousin

Towards Charlotte Mournesorrow


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