Session V: The Broodmother Report in The Elder Scrolls: Nexus | World Anvil
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Session V: The Broodmother

General Summary

"Where there is might, there is Sorrow" -House Mornesorrow motto   To be born is to be beautiful, for there are few miracles as wondrous as life. But if birth is beautiful why can parentage be ugly? Why is it so hard to keep the beauty of birth sacrosanct for 18 summers, yet it so easy for this brightness to dull into the cold, dark winter? Those that come first must be immaculate to those that come second, lest they create blemishes in their beauty. The challenge is immense, the reward is little, yet they push. The journey is arduous, the ending unknown, yet they persist. Birth is beautiful, but its result is wondrous challenge.   After spending the night camped outside Cloudtop, the Order of Pints were sweetly awoken to the savoury smell of breakfast being cooked up by their Wayrestian companions. After a hearty breakfast of bacon and eggs, the party got ready to set off to find Trevor at Bonesnap ruins. But, they were suddenly attacked by a group of strange creatures, led by a large, portly man wielding an axe. During the battle, the party were joined by a Khajiit named Dor'Mhirr, who claimed to be looking for them. They defeated these creatures and snapped the man out the apparent trance he was under. He revealed himself to be Edward Mornesorrow, Count of Gauvidon and had been put into thralldom by his Wife, the Lady Charlotte Mornesorrow, who had become a vampire. The party sent the Count to Alcaire, escorted by the Arena fans. Dor'Mhirr then explained how they have need to end the pirate's grip on Wayrest for some personal reasons and upon speaking to Charlie at the general goods store in Koeglin, discovered that the Knights of Pints were exactly who to seek.   Pietea took some of the bloodspawn remains to Anglamo, who informed the group that this is the result of a vampiric broodmother, a vile creature that plays parent to an army of her foul spawn. Anglamo petitioned the knights to seek this monster out and destroy her, lest she create an army that could overrun all of High Rock. They agreed and headed to the Count's home of Aphren's Hold.    Once there, they found a spiked 10ft wall and a locked gate. Using the barrels and crates that surrounded the gate, the party managed to climb to peer just over the wall. Niiran then summoned his skeletal assistant to survey the grounds for threats, finding it eerily empty. Cautiously they climbed the wall and entered the manor. Once inside they found a pitch dark entrance hall that oddly smelt of cherry blossom perfume. Lighting their torches the party investigated the hall. They found the door to the West Wing completely blocked off, however, they did find a note in a hidden compartment of a cabinet from the Countess's sailor lover, detailing his transformation into a vampire and how he intends to turn her as well so they can live in love for all eternity. More snooping uncovered a shield, seemingly made of stone. Pietea revealed this shield to be that of Sir Gaius of the order of the longtable, the fabled order of knights that was formed many millennia ago. Trebor took the shield and found it to be surprisingly light, then suddenly, the shield started to turn the Imperial's arm to stone. But, as soon as this transformation began, it ended and Trebor was at one with the shield, it now feeling lighter, yet sturdier than ever.    They progressed through the house, finding a massacre in the servant's quarters, all of which had been murdered, with the women found to have had their uteruses removed. In the Kitchen they slew a bloodspawn that was feasting on the chef. They progressed through until they came to the drawing room, where a massive fleshy group of fleshy pods, stitched together from the body parts of the servants. Bloodspawn silhouetted the inside of the pods. The knights plunged their blades into each of the pods, creating an ungodly scream that alerted Countess Charlotte Mournesorrow in the next room. She burst through and attacked the party, brandishing the now corrupt Mournesorrow Blade. After a short encounter the party defeated the vampire broodmother and left the estate, vampire dust in hand.

Rewards Granted

The Mournesorrow Blade (Corrupted) Aegistone
Report Date
06 Nov 2022
Primary Location
Secondary Location


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