Cloudtop Building / Landmark in The Elder Scrolls: Nexus | World Anvil
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"The best leader is a constant student" -Gaiden Shinji   Atop a steep hill along the road to Wrothgar lies ruined fortress, once home to the Bretonic and Redguard armies on their way to siege the Second Orsinium. This fortified escarpment was the perfect defensive structure to fall back to in case of an enemy rout as well as a great area to plan for the upcoming assault.   Long after the sieges of Orsinium and the passing of Shinji, his followers would repurpose the fortress into what the ancient blade master is best known for today: An Arena. This battlefield was built behind the courtyard, overlooking the steep hill it was built on; this becoming a defining feature of the venue, as combatants could find themselves being hurled out to the steep hill below, a near certain death. The courtyard became a market and all would come to marvel at one of, if not, the greatest entertainment venues in all of High Rock. The fortress, now turned arena was renamed to Cloudtop, due to the height of the stadium.   Then Disaster happened. On the 20th Mid-Year, 4E 183 an end of season match was being held at Cloudtop. During the match between Wayrest and Jehanna the side of the battlefield that overlooked the hill collapsed in a freak accident that saw parts of the stands also collapse. 501 fans and all but one member of the Wayrest team died that day. A day that is to be forever remembered and is commemorated every year by the arena fans of Wayrest.   Following the Cloudtop disaster the new stadium, built by King Barynia a couple of years prior, became the home of the Wayrest team, with local team Koeglin Village lending them a couple of combatants to help them finish the season, including the famous Bathes-In-Sand.   Now, 20 years afterwards, Cloudtop is a ruin, a relic of a former age of sporting greatness in the Kingdom of Wayrest. The Wayrest team hasn't qualified for the grand finals in the Imperial city since the disaster and this former great site is still seen as the true home of the team to many fans.
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