Kingdom of Daggerfall Organization in The Elder Scrolls: Nexus | World Anvil
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Kingdom of Daggerfall

"Watch as the lands rise after the Dagger Falls." -High King Jorryc Calbex, 3E 157   The Capital of High Rock and the seat of the High King. Daggerfall is the by far the country's largest city and holds its power through a decorated history of diplomacy, smart trade and a mighty military of fiercely loyal soldiers.   All other Kings swear fealty to the High King of Daggerfall who effectively rules the entire nation, however different monarchs have employed various policies regarding relations with the lesser kingdoms.   The Kingdom extends throughout the region of Glenumbra and includes the City of Daggerfall, the region's second-city Camlorn and its famed Lion Guard, the townships of Aldcroft and Westtry along with several smaller settlements.   Here also lies the legendary Glenumbra Moors, the site of a battle thousands of years ago that defined the future of High Rock. The battle was brutal and bloody with many believing the site to be haunted to this day.   Hag Fen to the East of the region was formerly a site of dark magics, where Hagravens and their vile creations would plot, however, the area is now a renowned training ground for "White Witches" who use their magic to protect the natural world.   Daggerfall itself is a part of the Duchy of Daenia where the famed Forest of Daenia sits just East of the city's high stone walls and is home to all manner of dangers. Long ago knights sought to destroy the forest as it was a constant source of danger for the locals, however in 2E 654 the Knight, Sir Bernard Loedrin decided against this course and instead chose to prune the population of creatures that lay within the thicket. For Sir Bernard knew that destroying the forest would mean losing a potential testing ground for his knights; a well managed wood would allow for a constantly tested and experienced order and so the knight commander created the Order of the Hedge, named for the tidy gardening of the monsters of the Forest of Daenia.

Ruler: High King Mordyrd Calbex & his wife Queen Runa Calbex (Formely Runa Camloran)
The Princes Emerys, Arrys, Joran, Gothryd, Lysandar, Marcus & the Princess Regent Glynda
Archduchess of Camlorn: Commander Jocelyn Camloran, The Thunder-Claw (Eldest sister of the Queen)
Duke of Daenia: Henry Marstedon
Duke of Shalgora: Erik Mountain-Foot
Duke of Dwynnen: David Myress
Baron of Urvaius: Charles Tharst
Baroness of Anticlere: Sara Rahkajet
Baron of Kambria: Richard Mouroux
  Small Council:
Hand of the High King: Arthur Camloran (Father to the Queen)
Grand Master of Coin: Edgar Tharst
Grand Master of Ships: Do'Mahja'Ra, adopted son of House Calbex
Grand Master Physician: Emily Dugant
High Court Master Wizard: Julius Pyrenex (Also serves as Master Wizard to the Synod)
Master of Whispers: Peter Varos
Master of War: Commander Gaia Llethandys
Imperial Advisor: Catherine Beaumont
Aldmeri Dominion Advisor: Andlamano Hirevius
Grand Master Commander of the High Kingsguard: Sir Rogier Camloran (Uncle to the Queen)
  Knightly Orders:
Daggerfall: The Illustrious Order of the Dragon
Camlorn: The Knights of the Black-Mane
Dwynnen: The Order of the Raven
Daenia: The Order of the Hedge
Shalgora: The Knights of the Golden Hound
Anticlere: The Holy Order of the Flame
Kambria: The Succession of The Three
Urvalus: The order of the Serpent
Geopolitical, Kingdom

House Deigerach and House Orvoler have historically close ties


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