Kingdom of Wayrest Organization in The Elder Scrolls: Nexus | World Anvil
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Kingdom of Wayrest

"All roads lead to Wayrest." -Breton saying   The Kingdom of Wayrest is held throughout the region of Stormhaven in central High Rock, at the height of the Iliac Bay. The Kingdom includes the cities of Wayrest, Alcaire, the villages of Koeglin and Shinji's Scarp and many landmarks that dot the region.   The City of Wayrest is the second largest settlement in all of High Rock and some would say the trade capital of Tamriel, boasting more merchants, caravans and trade ships visiting than even the Imperial City.    Alcaire is a proud city that claims to be the home of Tiber Septim, however in recent times, due to the ruling of the White-Gold Concordat which outlawed Talos worship, the city has had all temples, statues and relics dedicated to the Man-God removed by the Thalmor, leaving the city without its identity.   The ruins of Friendship Gate lies to the North of the region, a reminder of the union once made between Bretons and Orcs to unite during the Three Banners War of the 2nd Era. Now that all remains of that union is rubble.   Whilst not situated within the region, the Adamantine Tower (also known as the Direnni Tower) lies on the Isle of Balfiera near the city of Wayrest. The Tower is thought to be the oldest known structure on all of Tamriel; the site where the Gods would convene to decide upon the creation of the world, as well as where the trickster God Lorkhan was punished for his betrayal. Currently the Tower is in control of the remnants of clan Direnni who made a pact with the Kingdom of Wayrest to be left alone to their island.
Ruler: King Barynia Orvoler and his Queen Margerite Orvoler
The Princes Barynia, David, Jacque, Byron & Princesses Emelia & Gisele Orvoler
Archduke of Alcaire: Louis Orvoler (1st Cousin to the King)
Earl of Alcaire: Percy Morbrowne
Earl of Cumberland: Emeric Cumberland V
Earl of Menevia and Lord of Koeglin: Bathes-In-Sand
Countess of Gauvadon: Charlotte Mornesorrow (5th Cousin of the High King)   Small Council:
Hand of the King: Henri Orvoler (1st brother to the King)
Master of Coin: Etiene Orvoler (2nd Brother to the King)
Master Ships: Edouard Orvoler (3rd Brother to the King)
Grand Physician: Henrietta Coris
Court Wizard: Kargak Shadow-Wick
Lord Commander of the Kingsguard: Sir Elenwen Fadyros   Knightly Orders:
Wayrest: The Knights of Purse
Alcaire: The Knights of the Rose (Formerly the Holy Order of the Talos)
Cumberland: The Order of the Falls
Menevia: Order of the Hour (formerly of Wayrest, banished to Menevia by the King)
Gauvadon: The Knights of the Wraith
Geopolitical, Kingdom

House Deigerach and House Orvoler have historically close ties


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