Koeglin Village Settlement in The Elder Scrolls: Nexus | World Anvil
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Koeglin Village

"I choose Koeglin to be my home." -Bathes-In-Sand   Situated south of Alcaire and west of Wayrest, this tiny fishing village sits on the shores of the Iliac Bay and is the closest settlement to the Adamantine Tower. The Earl of Menevia, Bathes-In-Sand, was asked upon his lordship where he would like to live; the Argonian chose Koeglin as this had been home for many years before his ascension to Earldom.   The settlement primarily survives through its fishing trade, however there are some livestock kept around the village and a tavern named the Long Fin lies at the center of the village, a welcome rest for the fishermen and dockers.    To the South of the Village is the Koeglin Lighthouse, which has been kept by Tharuus Beton for as long as anyone can remember. and further South still, is Mudcrab Beach a small island known for its large population of mudcrabs. During the summer months the youth of Wayrest are known to come here to dance with the crabs during their mating season.   It is here that you were made knights as the Secret Order of Pints, Koeglin's first knightly order and Bathes-In-Sand's former home, Beachside, is your new base.
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