Vigil of Stendarr Organization in The Elder Scrolls: Nexus | World Anvil
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Vigil of Stendarr

"A stone is a stone. Evil is evil, no matter its guise. We must protect Tamriel by snuffing out even the dimmest flame of shadow." -Master Templar Gaius Artorus, Founder of the Vigil of Stendarr   The Vigil of Stendarr is a holy order dedicated to the God of mercy and to the protection of the mortal plane by weeding out and destroying all potential threats to it. Daedra, undead and lycanthropes are all a target of the Vigil as its Vigilants travel the land destroying these "abominations."   However, the Vigil is not merely a group of crusaders, they also offer aid to the sick, curing all diseases completely free of charge. When Gaius Artorus founded the Vigil his first mission was to protect Mundus from a repeat of the Oblivion Crisis, however he understood that it was worthless to defend the people of Tamriel if they were all suffering and so the Vigil are known throughout the continent as purveyors of charity as well as justice by Stendarr's mighty hand.   There is a presence in most countries of Tamriel, however some are greater than others. Skyrim has a simple hall that the Vigilants operate from. There isn't even a presence in High Rock due to the mass amount of knightly orders that attempt to offer the same thing. However, it is in Cyrodiil where the Vigil is at its mightiest. North of the frozen city of Bruma lies what was the ruins of Cloud Ruler Temple, the legendary headquarters of the Blades; following the Great War it was sacked and left in ruin, but not for long. Current leader of the Vigil, Master Templar Zarestesi Hlaalu saw an opportunity to create something from the rubble. The Vigil moved from their hall in Chorrol, home to the Vigil for 150 years and from the destruction of Cloud Ruler Temple came the Crucible, a temple dedicated to training Vigilants, sending them out into the world to rid it of evil, but also to the research of the Daedra, the undead and all who threaten the world.   The Vigil is a tightly formed order, yet there is progression within its ranks and there are several roles to be filled within the hallowed halls of the Crucible.   1. Vigilant It is a huge honour and a moment of immense pride to pass through the rigorous training of the Crucible, attending the ceremony that grants you the title: Vigilant, a member of the Vigil of Stendarr. Vigilants are sent throughout the world to preach the word of Stendarr, help the needy and destroy evil wherever it has taken hold. You gain the following perks:
  • The Cure Disease Spell
  • Shelter in any Vigil base and access to training
  • Brown Vigilant robes
  • Amulet of Stendarr
  • Silver Mace
  • Holy Tome of Stendarr that works as official proof of your status in the order. It is bound to you and has a soft bronze glow
  •   2. Guardian & Libram From here the ranks of the Vigil are split between Vigilants who roam the world seeking to destroy evil and those who become more stationary, researching the darkness as well as providing training and healing to those who seek it. You gain the following perks:   Guardian:
  • Vigil Enforcer armour
  • Field Provisions box
  • Rally spell
  • Libram:
  • White Libram Robes
  • Gloves of Protection
  • Repentance spell
  •   3. Keeper & Prelate These are the ranks that define you within the Vigil. It is here that you truly make a name for yourself and show the citizens of Tamriel that you stand before them as their protector. You gain the following perks:
  • Your Holy Tome of Stendarr now softly glows silver and can be used to encase spell scrolls into spells you know
  • Keeper:
  • You set up a new Hall of the Vigilants and become its leader
  • You gain new Vigilants from the Crucible to man the Hall
  • Mithril Mace
  • Keeper Cloak
  • Radiant Shield spell
  • Prelate:
  • You become the prelate at an existing Hall, leading the hall's research into the evil you fight. Choose a creature type of either Daedra, Lycanthropes or undead, your Amulet of Stendarr vibrates when you're near the chosen creature type.
  • Prelate hood
  • Detect Life Spell
  • Detect Dead spell
  •   4. Warden & Herald Now that you have experience as a leader, it is time you expanded the Vigil's horizons and take charge of the fight against the oncoming darkness. You gain the following perks:   Warden:
  • Banishment spell
  • Proficiency in one Strength or Charisma based skill
  • Herald:
  • Death Ward spell
  • Proficiency in one Intelligence or Wisdom based skill
  •   5. Templar You have stood mighty and tall, few could best you and fewer still would even try. As a Templar you have reached the penultimate rank of the Vigil and as such you are one of its greatest defenders. You gain the following perks:
  • Your Holy Tome of Stendarr now softly glows golden and causes all of your spells that deal radiant damage to deal maximum damage to creatures weak to it
  • Templar Armour and cloak
  • Holy weapon of your choice from the Crucible's armoury
  • Templar Quarters within the Crucible
  • Holy Weapon spell
  • Mass Cure Wounds spell
  •   6. Master Templar The former Master Templar has passed and so it has been decided that you shall take up the mantle of leader of the Vigil of Stendarr. It is a tremendous honour to follow in the footsteps of those who preceded you, but it is also a mighty responsibility to take control of the Vigil and continue its fight against the forces of evil. You gain the following perks:
  • Master Templar Armour
  • Master Templar Cloak
  • Holy Master Templar weapon of your choice to be forged at the Crucuble
  • The Crucible spell that teleports you to the Crucible
  • Access to all areas of the Crucible
  • Your Holy Tome of Stendarr now brilliantly glows golden and can be used to cast spells twice
  • You lead the Crucible, but you are not bound to it, you can assign a Templar to lead it in your absence
  • Assign all 16 Templars duties
  • You can assign any member of the Guild below Warden to join you on your journeys
  • Decide the direction of the Vigil and its focus on fighting evil
  • Expel Daedra spell
  • Temple of the Gods spell
  • Current Master Templar: Zarestesi Hlaalu
    Religious, Holy Order

    At Odds

    The Vigil of Stendarr vehemently dislike the College of Whispers due to their open use of Necromancy and Conjuration of Daedra. The College does not care what the Vigil think and equally don't care what the Vigil does as long as they don't interfere with college business.


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