College of Whispers Organization in The Elder Scrolls: Nexus | World Anvil
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College of Whispers

"200 years ago the Daedra reeked havoc on our world. Foul gates of Oblivion opened throughout the land, destroying everything in sight in service of their wrathful master, Mehrunes Dagon. The aftermath is plain to see: The Empire has crumbled, war and devastation are forever a stones throw away and why? Because we refused to learn the secrets of the enemy! Thus the College of Whispers has been founded to ensure that should any event such as the Oblivion crisis happen again, we are prepared." -Arch-Mage Regulus   The college of Whispers is an Imperial magical organisation founded at the beginning of the 4th Era with the goal of researching the darker arts of magic, such as conjuration and necromancy in an effort to learn about these magics and prevent them from tearing the Empire apart, like the Oblivion crisis did.   The College exists in opposition to the Synod, having both taken the place of the Mages Guild after its dissolution following the Oblivion Crisis. Unlike the Synod however, the College of Whispers believes in the research of all magic and is much more accepting of members, unlike their fee focused and bureaucratic rivals.   The base for the College is in the Imperial City, however they were not able to get their hands on the Arcane University, that honour went to the Synod, instead they are based in the Temple District. This is a recent development after the original College's site was destroyed in the Great War; Ptolemy requested that a new site be built in the Temple district as the Thalmor were unable to destroy the Divine statue of Martin Septim in the Temple of the One, which Ptolemy believed could mean there is a lot to learn from the statue. This is the crux of the College's philosophy in setting up guild halls: they don't have any, instead they have cynosures, places of magical importance where research and study can be conducted. There are two Cynosures in High Rock, one in Daggerfall and another on the outskirts of the Imperial city-state Evemor.   Whilst there are several duties and practices of the College, the personnel can still be distinguished by different ranks that hold weight within the faction. These ranks are earned in service to the college and come with several benefits.   1. Associate The entry rank of the College. Associates are expected to study and take as many tasks that may help the magisters above them with their research. You gain the Following perks:
  • A cantrip of your choice from either the Necromancer's, Wizard's or Warlocks spell list
  • Access to magical training from College of Whispers members and access to college merchants
  • Basic Access to College Cynosures
  • Brown Associate robes
  •   2. Acolyte This rank symbolises the beginning of your progression within the college. You are expected to take a slightly more hands on approach with research and may be asked to perform more complicated tasks. You gain the Following perks:
  • Two greater soul gems (filled)
  • A promotion reward of 100 Septims
  • Green Acolyte robes
  •   3. Adept You are now a full time member of the College. You earn a wage and are let in on some of the institution's secrets. You gain the Following perks:
  • A promotion reward of 150 Septims
  • A regular wage of 100 Septims a month
  • Access to College Library's Forbidden sections
  • A 2nd level spell of your choice from either the Necromancer's, Wizard's or Warlock's spell list
  • Orange Adept robes
  •   4. Evoker With your newly acquired rank, even more is expected of you as you leave the meager ranks behind you. You gain the Following perks:
  • A regular wage of 125 Septims a month
  • 10% discount from all of your magical studies from the college
  • Red Evoker robes
  •   5. Magus You are truly advancing highly within the college and as such you are invited to join it's council. You have some weight on decisions being made and you are asked to make a cynosure your base. You gain the Following perks:
  • A promotion reward of 200 Septims
  • A regular wage of 150 Septims a Month
  • A grand soul gem (filled)
  • Your own wizard's staff that can be created at any college cynosure
  • Make a cynosure your base, this cynosure will offer you your own room, a dedicated Associate that you can assign tasks to and a 25% discount on all magical training from that cynosure.
  • Black hooded Magus robes
  •   6. Arcanus As an Arcanus you have experience within the upper echelons of the college and as such you have a backbench seat on the council. You gain the Following perks:
  • A reguar wage of 175 Septims a month
  • A 3rd level spell of your choice from either the Necromancer's, Wizard's or Warlock's spell lists
  • Black and purple hooded Arcanus robes
  •   7. Sage You are a revered and respected member of the college, your word has weight and you will be asked to choose an expertise to focus your research on. You gain the Following perks:
  • A promotion reward of 250 Septims
  • A regular wage of 200 Septims a month
  • A black soul gem (filled)
  • The Safe Haven spell that teleports you to the cynosure you have chosen as your base.
  • Choose a school of magic, you will be granted a Sage's signet ring that boosts spells from that school
  • Black and white hooded Sage robes
  •   8. Odyssian & Theurgist Here you must make a choice. advance into becoming and Odyssian, representing fringe magic we barely understand, volunteering to delve into mysteries very few would dare go near or become a Theurgist and become a front bench voice on the council. You gain the Following perks:
  • A promotion bonus of 500 Septims
  • A regular wage of 300 Septims a month
  • A 5th level spell of your choice from either the Necromancer's Wizard's or Warlock's spell lists
  • Odyssian:
  • A Magus, Evoker and Adept that you can each assign tasks to
  • The Planewalker's boots that assist you when not on Mundus
  • A second Sage's ring
  • Void black cloaked hooded Odyssian robes
  • X You can no longer gain rank within the guild due to the dangerous and experimental nature of your role unless you transition to becoming a Theurgist, doing so sacrifices your Odyssian perks Theurgist:
  • A teleporter will be added to your room at your home cynosure that will teleport you directly to the College grounds in the Imperial City
  • Another 5th level spell of your choice from either the Necromancer's, Wizard's or Warlock's spell lists
  • A Bag of Holding
  • Navy cloaked hooded Theurgist robes
  •   9. Magistus It is here that you sit on the precipice of magical power within the institution. As a Magistus you become the leader of your Cynosure and you decide the direction to take your chapter of the College. You gain the Following perks:
  • A promotion reward of 1000 Septims
  • A regular wage of 500 Septims a month
  • A 7th level spell of your choice from either the Necromancer's, Wizard's or Warlock's spell lists
  • 2 black soul gems (filled)
  • You become leader of your home cynosure and have access to the Magistus quarters and all secret areas.
  • All members of the college assigned to your cynosure are at your disposal and you have power over hiring and firing members
  • You have a 50% discount on all magical training at your cynosure
  • You will have direct votes on the council and can directly affect the future of the college
  • Golden cloaked hooded Magistus robes
  •   10. Archmage There is no greater magister wihin the Empire. Your magical talents have outdone all others and as such you have been sworn in as Archmage of the College of Whispers. You gain the Following perks:
  • A promotion reward of 5000 Septims
  • A regular wage of 1000 Septims a month
  • Archmage's quarters: You gain a room at the top of the Imperial City Cynosure, giving you a teleporter to all cynosures throughout the Empire
  • Create your own Archmage's staff
  • Archmage's robes of your own design
  • A bound Dremora who is summonable at any cynosure, who can be used to practice spells on
  • Up to a 9th level from any spell list
  • Archmage's ring that allows you to choose a 4th level or lower spell that can be cast once a day as a cantrip
  • Call council meetings and decide what the agenda is
  • The ability to veto any decision made by the council
  • Set up new Cynosures and decide on its personal and focus
  • Current Arch-Mage: Ptolemy The World-Shaker
    Education, Magic


    The College of Whispers seek to impress the Elder Council and the Empress in hopes of funding and political favours. The Council see the College as a way to gain the magical upper hand in any future conflicts.

    At Odds

    The Vigil of Stendarr vehemently dislike the College of Whispers due to their open use of Necromancy and Conjuration of Daedra. The College does not care what the Vigil think and equally don't care what the Vigil does as long as they don't interfere with college business.


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