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Kingdom of Narrova

Formed roughly fifty years ago out of a collection of city-states and territories, the Kingdom of Narrova is the newest member of the five Great Powers of Altona. Through a combination of ancient alliances, clever political maneuvering and outright force, the small city-state of Rietsi absorbed its neighbors and declared a new Kingdom. Now confident in their consolidation, the newly-minted Narrovans now look for ways to make their mark on the world stage.

Demography and Population

The majority of the Narrovan population is dragonborn, with humans following as a close second. Due to the conglomerate nature of the city-states that became the modern Kingdom and its proximity to Krevaria, many races make up the remainder of the Narrovan population.


Narrova boasts a diverse climate due to its unusual position - from steep arid hills on its eastern coast to rolling hills and deep forests north of the inland sea. Due to the conglomerate nature of its formation, agriculture and civilization is more centered around its numerous city-states than in other nations, leading to large areas of dangerous wildland between the protected cities. The main roads are well-patrolled, but venturing off them can be risky for the unprepared.


The Narrovan army is large and well equipped. Individual city states pledge their forces to the state, which ensures that they receive an equal standard of training and equipment.   Narrova is also the first nation to experiment with a nascent air army - flying creatures bred and domesticated for battle. These experiments were borne from attempts to get mail to remote areas where roads were unsafe, and are regarded as a dead-end by its neighbors.

Foreign Relations

The Kingdom of Narrova is at peace with its neighbors, for now. It wants to make a mark on Altona, and waits for a moment of weakness from its fellows that it can capitalize on.   The Narrovans work hard to be friendly with the Ruztvani, as they do not share a common border. For their part, the Ruztvani are happy to import Narrovan innovations for as long as the young nation does not overreach.   The Kingdom has a long border with the Krevarian empire, and vies for control of the rich coast of the inland sea. Several of the Narrovan city-states have origins as territories that broke off from Imperial control during the succession war, and Krevaria would like them returned.   To the east, the Narrovans look at the Dragonborn communities that dot its southwestern coast that long to rejoin their brethren. Tensions with the Republic are thus somewhat high.   The Kingdom currently collaborates with the Commonwealth to contain any resurgence of the Krevarians, although the extensive fleet-building by Narrova in the Allourian Sea is viewed with alarm by the Commonwealth councils.   The Kingdom enjoys the best relations with the Ruztvani, importing significant raw material and exporting elemantic technology and refined goods from its numerous workshops.  

Current Issues

After uniting the disparate city-states and settling its current borders, the Kaiserin seems content to hold the current borders and consolidate her new kingdom while waiting for her next opportunity. There are rumblings amongst the officer corps, however - many of the younger members were raised on stories of glorious conquest and believe that Narrova should act more dynamically. They may not be willing for their leader to give the order to act...

United, we will prove our worth to the world.

Geopolitical, Empire
Alternative Names
Head of State
Government System
Monarchy, Absolute
Power Structure
Economic System
Gold-backed: Aurun Silver-backed: Gentus
Official State Religion


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