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Krevarian Empire

The Krevarian Empire is a nation greatly diminished after three centuries of decline, but even in its weakened state remains one of the five Great Powers of Altona. Wracked by a fierce century-long succession war in which many of its traditional holdings declared independence, Krevaria is now merely the equal of its neighbors rather than their undisputed superior. The Twinned Emperors bide their time and know that the time for their nation to rise again is near.

Demography and Population

Due to its long colonial history and central placement, the population of the Krevarian Empire is startlingly diverse. Races from every origin can be found in its great cities, and while humans form the majority, it is a slimmer one than in most nations.   The aristocracy of Krevaria is exclusively comprised of a massively branched set of Deva and Tiefling bloodlines.


Even diminished, the modern Krevarian Empire is the third-largest nation on Altona, and the most populous. Its great plains are full of productive farms to feed the great marble cities. Further inland, the rolling hills give way to stunning marble-laced mountains and light forests. In the northern tip of the country, the great forests near the inland sea are famed for their beauty and danger.


Although somewhat old-fashioned by modern standards, the Imperial soldiery is extensively drilled and trained to a high standard. Heavily-armored shock troops supplement a skirmisher corps that is ini the midst of upgrading to firearms, while exotic creatures from its ancient holdings are bred for battle in ancient beast enclaves.

Foreign Relations

Due to its loss of territory during the Wars of Krevarian Succession, the Empire has somewhat tense relations with nearly all of the other Great Powers although it is currently at peace.   Krevaria is jealous of the Commonwealth's rise to power, viewing them as upstart children who should be back under Imperial control.   The Ruztvani Empire claimed the plains of Aztranava during the succession war, and while Krevaria would like them returned, considers them a minor territory compared to its other losses. It instead attempts to curry favor with the Ruztvani Tsar, attempting to block the influence of the Commonwealth there.   Of the Great powers, the Empire is most friendly with the Fourth Republic despite their vast cultural differences. The Empire declined to interfere in the Alourrian Revolution, and the Republic government remains grateful.   Krevaria eyes its eastern neighbor warily - The Narrovans swallowed up several territories that split from the Empire during its succession troubles, and it is no secret that the newly-formed Kingdom wishes to flex its muscle.  

Current Issues

Though the succession wars have ended, the aristocracy of Krevaria is only tenuously under the control of the Twinned Emperors. Although the Imperial Bureaucracy is in dire need of modernization, any efforts towards that end may be met with firm resistance.   Indentured servitude is still common in the Empire. Those people without freedom cannot help but look beyond their borders and hope for the same treatment as their fellows.

Krevaria Forever

Geopolitical, Empire
Alternative Names
Krevarian, Krevar
Head of State
Head of Government
Government System
Monarchy, Absolute
Power Structure
Unitary state
Economic System
Gold-Backed: Odut Silver-Backed: Kaok
Official State Religion
Controlled Territories


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