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Cortania-Olliette Commonwealth

The Commonwealth is one of the five Great Powers of Altona, and the world's strongest naval power. Having only recently regained its independence in the chaos of the Wars of Krevarian Succession, the relatively young nation is the birthplace of modern elemancy. The rapid embrace of new technologies has catapulted this former imperial backwater onto the forefront of the world stage as it pursues its own colonial ambitions.

Demography and Population

The majority of the population in the Commonwealth is human, although halflings are said to originate from the Cortania Isle. There are also significant Dwarf and Gnome populations due to the proximity to Norlanska and Weistval. A small Genasi population is growing startlingly fast in the years since the adoption of Elemancy, and enclaves of Wood Elves are still common in the forests of Cortania.   Due to the vast overseas holdings of the Commonwealth, Varsatian peoples are an increasingly common sight in its bustling cities.


The Commonwealth consists of the entirety of the Isle of Cortania as well as the mainland territory of Olliente.   The Cortanian Isle is a temperate and pleasant land, with low rugged mountains in the center giving way to deep forest and rich plains as the land descends to the coast.   The Olliente Plain is a fertile region between Norlanska and Narrova, with largely impassable mountains to the west, and the Kaspan Sea to the east.


The Commonwealth boasts a long naval history, and the modern Navy is a powerful expression of that tradition.

Foreign Relations

The Commonwealth is currently at peace, and maintains embassies with all of its Altonan neighbors.   Relations with the Krevarian Empire are cool at best. The Empire longs for its former holdings, and the Commonwealth has no desire to associate with their former overlords.   The Kingdom of Narrova looks over its northern border with hunger, but is biding its time. In the meanwhile, both nations put on a show of friendly association.   Of the great powers, the Commonwealth is most friendly with the Ruztvani, who have a great appetite for their engineering marvels, and have an abundance of food and resources to trade in return.   The Fourth Republic also maintains fairly good relations with the Commonwealth, strained by trade rivalries in the Alouran Strait and Kaspan Sea.  

Current Issues

Throughout its history, even before the formation of the modern Commonwealth, the nobility has met to elect their King upon the death of the prior ruler. In the modern era however, the upper and middle classes of commoner wield more economic power than most nobles and are beginning to demand influence in the politics of their nation. The entrenched nobility is loathe to give up or share their inherited rights, however...

Many Peoples, One Purpose

Geopolitical, Empire
Alternative Names
Cortanian, Olliette
Head of State
Head of Government
Government System
Monarchy, Elective
Power Structure
Economic System
Gold-backed: Oren Silver-backed: Kleri
Official State Religion
Subsidiary Organizations
Controlled Territories
Notable Members

Articles under Cortania-Olliette Commonwealth


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