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Meranzehir is the easternmost settlement in the Krevarian Empire, and a city divided. The Kingdom of Narrova marched on the city during the Wars of Krevarian Succession, and only the desperate act of collapsing the Meran River bridges was able to halt their advance and keep the western half of the city under Imperial rule. A decade of fortification followed, and now Meranzehir and Meransburg vie for control of the lucrative Meran river trade routes.   Meranzehir is Krevaria's gateway to the east and north, and thus is quite cosmopolitan for an Imperial city. Travelers can be found here from all across Altona, although those of obviously Narrovan origin may face greater challenges than others.


Meranzehir is primarily populated by humans of Krevarian descent, but other ancestries are common due to the city's historical status as a trade center and Krevaria's former rank as a colonial powerhouse. Elves, tieflings, and deva are particularly common, as are gnomes and halflings. Notably uncommon and never seen in positions of power are dragonborn.


As with most cities within the Empire, the city is governed by a Vizier council of nobility, clergy, and military officials. The representatives of the Eternal Guard do hold greater sway here than in other Krevarian cities, however.


Roads Meranzehir has an extensive road network stretching north, west, and south. Notably, there is no longer a road bridge across the Meran River in the city, and so heavily-regulated ferries are required for most foot and carriage traffic.   Rail Built in an all-too rare moment of cooperation between Krevaria and Narrova after the conquest of the eastern bank, a rail bridge spans the river and allows passengers and freight to access the larger rail network of Altona.   River The Meran river is relatively short but quite wide, and thus the city is a significant port for freight headed south out of Weisvall.

Points of interest

The Bank District: sandwiched between the River Meran and the White Wall, this district is an important stop for trade along the river. While the district is heavily patrolled by the city watch and Eternal Guard, the merchants and officials here are in a constant price war for trade with their Krevarian counterparts across the river. As a result, corruption is higher than the presence of law would suggest.   The Riverwall: The Meran river runs wide in the city, and is broken by the remains of the great bridge that once spanned it. Krevaria and Narrova both have created channels in the carcass of the span and vie for control of river traffic in a complex game of tariffs for passage through.   Meranzehir Rail Station: Despite the animosity between the two riverbanks, the rail bridge stands tall, and passenger and freight traffic travels frequently through both sides of the city. The passenger station in the wealthier northeastern district of the city does boast a substantial guard presence, and passengers arriving from (or departing to) the east are subject to great scrutiny.   The Imperial Hospital: A majestic, sprawling bathhouse and lodging catering to river and rail travelers, it’s also a popular destination for upper-class locals. The structure is built in traditional Krevarian style, with solid outer walls and numerous interior courtyards for gardens and baths.   Kemalkan Fortress: This white stone castle stands near the river wall of the city, and is noticeably newer than all the construction surrounding it. When the eastern bank of Meranszehir fell to the Narrovans, the primary fortifications were on the lost side of the city. Krevaria scrambled to construct a new seat of power for the part of the city they still held, displacing hundreds of citizens in the process.   Meranzehir Market: The main market square houses dozens of semi-enclosed structures which merchants both local and foreign rent to hawk their wares.   Meranzehir Cathedral: A massive set of golden pyramidal roofs rise above the skyline of the rest of the city, dominating the surrounding buildings. Dedicated to the Miatarr faith and the worship of the One, the sprawling temple complex houses large shrines to the various anointed saints of the faith. While lesser temples dot the city, many citizens try to visit this one at least once per week, as the site has enough clergy to hold daily services. The most well-connected citizens attend services in the central temple, whose central chamber delves into the earth as deep as the roof pierces the sky above, and powerful magics connect the worshippers with those in other major centers of the faith.
Alternative Name(s)
Meransburg West
Location under
Owning Organization

Cover image: by JaeCheol Park


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