Aiyane of Stern

Aiyane Stern

This young woman is the illegitimate daughter of the heir of DYNARTHA. Unfortunately, she inherited her mother's beauty and this led to her becoming the pawn in a noblemen's feud. She is currently confined as a penitent in an unknown convent.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

She was raised within the DYNARTHA household although not recognized formally yet treated well and introduced to court. It was here that she caught the eye of the youngest VAMMAR, SER LAERIS. His pursuit of her and her steadfast refusal to end up like her mother became known beyond the borders of WINDS. It was apparently then that Heir to THEOWAIN, SER MAFRYN, turned his attention towards her.

What happened next was gossip of the highest order as it made its way through the kingdom. It is rumored that SER MAFRYN's interest was solely in humiliating SER LAERIS VAMMAR. Though no one knows for certain, it is common knowledge that the two young men despise each other.

This was made abundantly clear when, while their tryst was still unknown to others, she met with him in DIERA. It was in the summer of 54 ET and only several months after he had overcome her resistance. She met with him that night to inform him that she had become pregnant. The resulting scene was all anyone could talk of in the northlands that year. MAFRYN made such a ruckus such that no one in shouting distance could fail to identify her, her predicament or how it happened. It is rumored that the whole boisterous row between the two was staged by MAFRYN so that LAERIS would know what had happened. At the least, LAERIS was one of those who were forced to listen to MAFRYN's ranting so as to learn the truth of the matter.

The scandal was quickly placated as Aiyane was illegitimate herself and so no threat to the family existed from the child. She was sent away and gave birth to a daughter. The child, Alisaela Stern, was delivered to the THEOWAIN estate for upbringing. But AIYANE was forbidden from leaving the convent grounds and has been confined there for a life a contemplation and celibacy.


Aiyane of Stern

Former Lover

Towards Mafryn Theowain


Mafryn Theowain


Towards Aiyane of Stern



The exact nature of their relationship is unclear but it is clear that they engaged in a sexual affair since AIYANE gave birth to a daughter alleged to be SER MAFRYN's blood. It is rumored that SER MAFRYN used AIYANE and set-up their confronation to expose the whole affair and rub it in SER LAERIS' face. If you listen to the maids gossip, that is...

Year of Birth
39 ET 20 Years old
Circumstances of Birth
Illegitimate daughter of Ser Olvus Dynartha.

Cover image: by Daniel Cortijos


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