Mafryn Theowain

Vassal Lord | Shields

Lord Mafryn Theowain

LORD MAFRYN THEOWAIN is a riot of energy, emotion and scurrilous gossip. He remains unwed but conventional wisdom places the number of his offspring beyond fingers-and-toes counting. He has a short temper yet carries grudges until they die of old age and then mounts them for fond reflection. MAFRYN inherited the THEOWAIN title two years ago with the passing of his father.

Since that time, LORD MAFRYN has worked diligently and honestly at the demands of his title. As a more than competent combatant and expert horseman he has personally led several counter-attacks against raider probes on the shores. Much of his dedication there is driven by anger against the CUTH for slaying his oldest brother—the original heir— Ser Rellór Theowain in a similar raid in 43 ET.

Inside the estate walls, he shows a sharp mind and learns quickly. He has quickly displayed an acumen that has most other SHIELDS vassals considering him an asset. Unfortunately, he rather flagrantly avoids marriage--and therefore a legitimate heir--and his sexual exploits are fodder for gossip from here all the way north to the Highlands.

Mental characteristics


LORD MAFRYN has made no secret of his sexual appetites. While unbecoming, the primary concern is his refusal to seek a wife for legitimate heirs and the growing number of infant, illegitimate girls at the THEOWAIN family Seat.

He has kept courtesans fairly regularly since 52 ET. Nothing his father said to him cured him of this pastime and, now that he is lord of the family, his penchant for bawdy exploits is rumored to have become more brazen. His current well-compensated paramour, Maernine of Caris, has been with him for the last four years and given him two daughters since her arrival. However, few expect additional children as LORD MAFRYN made little secret of his ‘rides around land’ while MAERNINE was pregnant and unable to provide her services. An astute person may listen that several young women are rumored to have been given coin for their swollen bellies after presenting themselves at the THEOWAIN gates.

Regardless, between his suspected wanderings and genuine displeasure at her pregnancies, it is unlikely that such will happen again.


Aiyane of Stern

Former Lover

Towards Mafryn Theowain


Mafryn Theowain


Towards Aiyane of Stern



The exact nature of their relationship is unclear but it is clear that they engaged in a sexual affair since AIYANE gave birth to a daughter alleged to be SER MAFRYN's blood. It is rumored that SER MAFRYN used AIYANE and set-up their confronation to expose the whole affair and rub it in SER LAERIS' face. If you listen to the maids gossip, that is...

Mafryn Theowain


Towards Laeris Vammar


Laeris Vammar


Towards Mafryn Theowain



The origin of their feud is murky but its existence is well-established fact. The two men can barely be within a mile of each other without some flare-up either of words or attempts at sabotage of each other.

Hurod Jalkor

Close Companion

Towards Mafryn Theowain


Mafryn Theowain

Close Companion

Towards Hurod Jalkor


Maernine of Tairenth


Towards Mafryn Theowain


Mafryn Theowain


Towards Maernine of Tairenth



The circumstances of their meeting are unknown. See above.

Respected Knight-I

Vassal Lord | Shields
Distinguishing Features
Disapproving, frowns a lot, great hair.
Notable Traits
Other Ethnicities/Cultures
Date of Birth
11th of Spring
Year of Birth
29 ET 30 Years old
Current Residence
Ydelis | Rhone
Aligned Organization

Cover image: Schurke 2020 by Wimmer Live Art
Character Portrait image: Schurke 2020 by Wimmer Live Art Armorer Gallery


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