Aruin Lothyrna

Knight of the Bull Company | 2nd-born Lothyrna

Knight-Sergeant Aruin Lothyrna

At A Glance

The twin brother of Mair Lothyrna Duna and younger brother of Conlec Lothyrna, Ser Aruin's short public life has been plagued with scandals and ill-seeming behavior. While his skills at tournament have been merely passable, it is rumored that his experience in the Overlands as mercenary knight, in the Company of the Bull, has shown him to be an excellent tactician and strategist. Even so, his reputation is plagued with an outsized ego, sexual indiscretions, unchivalrous behavior and an indifference to the plights of others.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

In 50 ET, Aruin was knighted without much speculation about his chivalric potential. Although he was trained appropriately, he had failed to distinguish himself in squire competitions. It was during a series of feasts early in his career that distinguished him as a man of fashionable and expensive tastes. His cavalier pursuit of peasant women was also whispered about at times. Again, at the Queen’s Tournament, he did middling well by making it into the 2nd round but was eliminated by LORD MISUTH BELHARIAS when his horse missed a step and threw his aim off. The resulting accusation against Lord Misuth resulted in the two knights being separated and a judicial duel declared; which Misuth won handily and restored his honor. It is no secret that Aruin has not forgotten this humiliation.

In 51 ET, he was accused by a Sworn Knight of Winds to have pressured several women serving in the Deiran household to submit to his attentions. Aruin refused to acknowledge the accusation from a ‘lesser’. He spent the remainder of the year serving garrison in Swans.

Possibly due to this scandal, Aruin left Rhone in 52 ET and traveled east to the Overlands where he served as a mercenary knight for pay and loot. He spent the better part of two years fighting for coin. Rumor has it that he distinguished himself on the field of battle several times and rose to command a small sub-group for his employers. It is known that he fought several engagements against an invading peoples from the northern part of the continent. These individuals, known as the Nothrimi, were making inroads into the northern portion of the Overlands. Ser Aruin has been heard cursing them and their ways.

In the Summer of 54 ET, he returned to his family’s lands accompanied by a female consort, RAIDHA, and wealth. He gifted his brother with a fine Midlands Destrier as a sign of respect. He has begun serving his family again but no one knows for how long before the eastern conflicts call again.


Aruin Lothyrna


Towards Raidha




Towards Aruin Lothyrna



Aruin returned home from the Overlands during 54 with Raidha on his arm.

Respected Knight

Free Lance | Company of the Bulls
Year of Birth
30 ET 29 Years old
Aligned Organization
Other Affiliations


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