
The Doirnín family were the first Eorls of the Dawn. It was given to Artras by Queen Arosaine in -246 BL after she brought the people of the Finger Coast into the Kingdom of Rhone. The family was dedicated and loyal to the people for they suffered greatly under the threat of the Cuth. The Doirnín family is a watchword for “dedication to duty” amongst the people and it was in that service that many of the family perished.

It was the Doirnín family that built the original towers to watch the waters against the Cuth. They encouraged cooperation and community amongst all of the settlements. Each noble who served under them was inspired by their example and strove to meet it.

The Doirnín held the Eorldom for over 140 years until succumbing to the curse of a witch hung for her crimes. Each generation, the Doirnín sacrificed their family members in the protection of the Finger so the family line was never broad nor deep. Whenever it seemed there were was one branch more than needed, the Curse obliged to snip it free.

The Doirnín Curse, set on Eorl Badisil in -201 BL, culminated with the death of Brother Calwel—the last Doirnín. But the Doirnín line had been ended much before—with the death of Calwel's sister, the last Doirnín Eorlsa of the Dawn and with her son succumbing to illness the year before. With no heirs left and the people desperate for a Doirnín to lead them, King Uryas sought him out to doff his clerical life and return as the Eorl. But Brother Calwel refused and so the King was left to make his own decisions. It was only a year later that Brother Calwel perished from the Curse. He tripped and fell down the stone steps of the monastery carrying seeds from storage to the field. The fall broke his neck.

-246 - -101

Political, Family
Leader Title
Family Leader

Articles under Doirnín

Cover image: by Daniel Cortijos


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