
The LINAIN family is of old Rhuani lineage and counts itself among the earliest vassals of the Throne. The family has seen better days as the sole lineage member alive is the young Lady Ginaeve. The family is in service to the Eorl of Eventide and has been for nearly two centuries. The Eorl has taken a personal interest in the family and the young Lady likely due to the late Lord Linain serving as his squire in their youth.

Recent Events

45 ET--Upon the death of her brother, Lord Aumre, the Lady Nelone Highbrook turns down the family lands and title. She confers with the Eorl of Eventide and agrees to pass them on to Aumre's daughter and her niece, the minor child Ginaeve.

54 ET--The Eorl's stewardship of LINAIN ended with the titling of the young Lady Ginaeve Linain.

57 ET | Summer--At EORL ROVIN's request, the four COMPANIONS travel north into the borderlands to meet with the Highbrook they guest at HIGHMONT KEEP on an errand involving her son, SER ASLAN's suitability for betrothal to EORL ROVIN OF SHIELDS half-sister, Maiden Eorith Brynagar. During the brief visit, they learned of her niece and the inheritance of the Linain estates.

58 ET | Summer--During the post-Tournament Feast at Eorldom of Shields, LORD EMRYS learns that LADY NELONE HIghbrook, formerly of LINAIN, has concerns regarding her niece and the family's lands. LADY NELONE has concerns about her lifestyle after the tragic death of LADY GINAEVE's friend, Mantarë NAAREL. The poor, beautiful maiden perished at the Queen's Tournament in 55 ET--she washed up on shore, having drowned in the lake.

59 ET--The COMPANIONS are introduced to Lady Ginaeve Linain at the EMERULE Tournament on the Finger Coast. As one of the more 'experienced' young and wealthy maidens touring the Southern Circuit of tournaments, LADY GINAEVE quickly befriended the Eorl's half-sister, Eorith Brynagar. With LADY GINAEVE's assistance, EORITH has become a fixture in the coterie of young maidens pacing the tournaments, attending feasts and hoping against hope to be chosen Tournament Queen.


LINAIN was one of the first families sworn to the Throne when King Rhuaman formalized the role and rights of vassals.

To Impossible Victory

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Political, Family
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Cover image: by Daniel Cortijos


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