Mareith Brynagar
2nd born of Eorl Igrath Brynagar | ex-Lady Mannyr
2nd born of Eorl Igrath Brynagar | ex-Lady Mannyr
Lady Mareith Brynagar
At A Glance
Lady Mareith was the sister of the late Eorl Galhar Brynagar. She worked tirelessly to assist in the Eorldom of Swords with the loss of so many brave knights into the unknown. When Mannyr set her aside, she was heartbroken and disgraced but returned to Swords where she was welcomed warmly. Her steady hand was a significant help during the early years after the Crusade had left.Her second marriage was far more mismatched and resulted in yet similar amounts of joy. Within two years, she was pregnant with her son, Alnaric Brynagar. While her husband preceded her by quite a few years, Lady Mareith's last decades were fulfilling and satisfying. She was sorely missed when she passed.
Mental characteristics
Personal history
While much of the lady's life is known in Swords, it is the middle portion of her years that has come to define her. This was unfortunate for her but of great benefit to her family. She married the Lord Mannyr in -5 BL and the first few years were enjoyable although she did not get pregnant immediately; she was told not to worry about it. By the time the Crusades came about, she was miserable about the situation. When the Crusade vanished without a whisper, she hurried to be with her family. Lord Mannyr was one of those chosen not to accompany the Crusade; something that rankled and did not make the situation easier. Lady Mareith spent so much time north in the Sword Coast that her own husband began to complain bitterly about the situation. She returned to her domestic life but it was soon clear that her services in the bedroom were no longer required except for mandated couplings in order to get an heir.
Unfortunately for Mareith, she tried every folk witch and soothsayer but she never was able to get pregnant with Mannyr's heir. It was not long afterwards when he moved a concubine into the residence and she fled in anger back to her family's eorldom. By the end of the year, the marriage was dissolved due to her barren womb and, although the remedy was what she sought, it was not a pleasant beginning for her remaining years.
Even so, it was her assistance and steadying influence on the eorldom's offices and activities that allowed Randuin to grow, mature and learn the responsibilities himself at the feet of three women who had been running it for him ever since.
In time, Mareith was courted once again by an older Sworn Sword who had long stopped worrying about a child. They found some peace and comfort with each other and soon married. It was a surprise to all that, only a year later, Mareith
26 BL
34 ET
60 years old
Eoin Latririam
Kalus Mannyr