The city of Naeronel holds the distinction along with Deira and a few others of being the oldest settlements on the continent. Naerim was founded by Naeras. It has vacillated between being a cosmopolitan capital city built on ancient foundations and a crumbling, guttering wreck of devasted stone and ruined lives. But, even in its tumbled-down disgrace of the present times, the city and its architecture can still evoke wonder in those who really look at it. There are few first generation Rhuani settlements that have survived centuries especially one that was built entirely at Naeras direction
It was here that he came to power on his own throne after leaving the side of Rhuanon on the Peninsula. The nature of the Midlands was laid down in the very first time that King Naeras was removed from his throne and sent begging for aid in Rhone from the children of his old companion. This legacy seems steeped in the soil after these centuries of on-and-off fighting between themselves. There are many who wonder in times of respite and peace whether the Midlands is cursed...
Founded in -264 by Naeras.
Large city
Location under