
Eorls of the Wind

Line of the Eorl of Winds. The Solamyn line has held the city of Deira and the Eorldom of Winds for much of its existence. It has been a stronghold amongst the northern lords and it was one of the most reliable defenses against encroachments from Swans during the Struggles.

The Solamyn Inheritance

The current Eorl, Theruin Solamyn, has no living heirs. His two sons and two daughters have long left their mortal coil behind. His closest blood relatives are his three nephews, his sister Therilla's sons. They were born in the Midlands during her marriage to a landed noble there. He was slain approximately twenty-some years ago and she returned to her brother's lands for safekeeping. The three nephews are viewed as the likely heirs of the Eorl although he has not named any at this time. Instead, he keeps his own counsel.

We Are Ready

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Articles under Solamyn

Cover image: by Daniel Cortijos


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