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Pazuzu was a powerful demon lord and one of the eldest and most reprehensible of them. He was also called the Dark Angel of the Four Winds and the Prince of the Lower Aerial Kingdoms. He held sway over all evil flying creatures, even among the different layers of The Abyss.

Tongue plucked raw from gaping maw
Blood from vein let fall like rain
Behold these eyes, your bloody prize
And now the fall from vaulted hall
These bones! This flesh! Consume it all!
Pazuzu! Pazuzu! Pazuzu!

— A sacrificial prayer to Pazuzu


Pazuzu was described as being tall and well-proportioned with unmistakably demonic features, such as avian feet, four wings that both smoked and gleamed with oil, and most notably, a feral bird's beak on an otherwise handsome face.


He was fond of corrupting mortals, especially the innocent and honest. He enjoyed offering aid that at first appeared beneficial, but which ultimately spelled doom on the victim in the long run. His favorite prizes were the most pure and Pazuzu believed the living world provided the best opportunity for such prey.


He could breathe swarms of locusts and acidic, poisonous clouds. He also had low-light vision and blindsight.

Pazuzu spoke Abyssal, Auran, and Common, and his communication skills also extended to a weaker form of telepathy.


He wielded a powerful magic greatsword that granted him great speed.


Pazuzu was among the oldest of beings, predating the Abyss itself. He was a primordial demon of immense power, called an obyrith. As such, Pazuzu manipulated the god Tharizdun, causing the interloping god to create The Abyss as a separate domain for demons instead of sending all fiends to one realm during The Planar Expulsion. The Winged One was also responsible for the corruption of the angel Asmodeus long before the Coming of the Gods. Seen as his ultimate prize, Pazuzu corrupted the one-time servant of lawful good and convinced the angel to turn on his brethren. This corruption and Pazuzu's further aid led to victory for the fiends, though only Asmodeus and the other obyriths knew of the demon lord's help.


The Lord of Corruption was also instrumental in bringing the Divinity Wars and The Blood War to fruition. Playing both sides through his connection to Asmodeus, Pazuzu maintained a balance of strength between first the Celestials and Fiends and then the devils and demons, prolonging the endless conflicts for his own ends.


Pazuzu was again central to The Betrayal War in that it was he that brokered the deal with Tharizdun allying his demonic hordes to The Dark God in exchange for prominence and survival after The Mad God unleashed his scheme to destroy the universe. This pact was to be his undoing however, when Asmodeus warned the New Gods of Empyrean of the conflict between Tharizdun and Ishtar. Pazuzu was slain by Bahamut in single combat during the final battle of the ensuing war, though he wounded The Platinum Dragon in the process. The scar of which can still be seen on Bahamut's otherwise pristine scales.


Culling Talon - Greatsword of Pazuzu
Divine Classification
Demon Lord
Current Status
Year of Death
9 AR
Circumstances of Death
Killed by Bahamut
Place of Death
the Citadel Black


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