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Bahamut, also known as the Platinum Dragon, the Shield of the Faithful, the Winged Warrior, and the Celestial Commander is the lawful good God of War, Justice, Strategy, Conflict, Vengeance, Conquest, Courage and Mercy.



In his most common manifestation, Bahamut is described as a massive dragon approximately 180 ft (55 m), with a tail the same length as his body, with platinum scales tougher than any shield (said by some to be virtually indestructible) that glows with a faint blue sheen, and shining eyes, the exact color of which is hard to specify and may depend on his mood.

When he wishes to wander the mortal world, he usually takes the appearance of an old humanoid wizard dressed in peasant robes accompanied by seven canaries or other songbirds. Some sages believe Bahamut uses this humanoid guise to not frighten non-dragon beings. It is also believed that while Bahamut is fond of his old man guise, he has other forms as well. Other recorded guises included that of a prince with a carriage drawn by seven horses, a beggar followed by seven dogs, a humble fisher or a young monk who bore the title of the "Grandmaster of Flowers"

Bahamut is stern and very disapproving of evil, often arguing with Primus about his crusade against it. He accepts no excuses for evil acts, and doesn't tolerate even minor offenses by evil creatures. In spite of his stance, he is also considered one of the most compassionate beings in the multiverse. He has limitless empathy for the downtrodden, the dispossessed, and the helpless.

By draconic standards, Bahamut is neither vain nor desirous of treasure. He values wisdom, knowledge, prophecies, and songs instead, though he does have a fondness for unique weapons of war and unique artifacts from historical battlefields. He uses the great wealth he has amassed over the ages to help those in need, while using the magic items he has gathered to further his goals. However, he also pursues viciously (usually sending his champions and followers) those who tried to steal the hoard from his Platinum Palace as, after all, he is a god of justice.

Bahamut also likes to prove the strength and worthiness of his followers by battling against them in his dragon form, halting the combat when his followers are injured or when they overcome him. However, he is prone to get carried away by his zeal and has powerful healers on hand in case he gravely injures one of his followers in those battles.



During The Betrayal War Bahamut fought and slew the Demon Lords Pazuzu, and Miska the Wolf-Spider. Though he received a grievous wound in doing so that has yet to completely heal.

Bahamut spends half of his time traveling The Substantial's many worlds (including Ora, Vista, and Kethea) in the guise of an old man. In this form, he has traveled from one place to another with no apparent purpose and is quick to offer advice, information, or assistance to other travelers he encounters on the road. He always tries to assess the worthiness—viewed through a lens of justice, nobility, and honor—of everyone he meets while traveling. Some say that Bahamut has visited every known world and plane during these travels at least once since the Coming of the Gods. When Bahamut assumed the form of the old man, he was usually accompanied by seven great wyrms of various types polymorphed into canaries or some other small animal form, always ready to attack anyone foolish enough to threaten their god.

He spends the rest of his time holding court in his Platinum Palace within The Overworld. Good-aligned clerics and paladins sometimes take pilgrimages to his castle, seeking to receive the blessings of the Platinum Dragon.

Bahamut is unable to turn his back on any good creatures in need. Even so, he preferred to help them in indirect ways, such as giving them useful information, needed advice that bordered on prophecy, a safe refuge or healing, and bolstering them with his powerful magic.



Bahamut hoards magical or interesting weaponry. His armory is said to be the most extensive in the universe.


Powers and Abilities

Along with all the standard powers and godly senses of a deity of his rank, as well as the natural abilities of an ancient dragon, those who saw him fight claimed that Bahamut had two breath weapons, one a powerful cone of cold, the other a vapor that turned his enemies into gaseous forms. A third special attack is his roar, which is so powerful that it can disintegrate creatures or objects within 100 feet (30 meters). If facing off against more powerful creatures, this roar would still permanently deafen those who weren't turned to dust. He is also capable of speaking Power Words in the First Language, which allows him to heal his allies and even resurrect his fallen comrades. On top of that, he is more powerful than any mortal dragon, and is also reputed to know every arcane and divine spell. Few things in the mortal world can cause him lasting harm.


Bahamut has the ability to see invisible beings and objects up to a distance of 1,000 feet.

Divine Domains

War, Justice, Strategy, Conflict, Vengeance, Conquest, Courage and Mercy

Divine Symbols & Sigils

Divine Classification
New God


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