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Tharizdun, known variously as The Betrayer, and He Who Waits, is a long-forgotten member of the New Gods of Empyrean who sought to destroy all that is. During the Reshaping, he created The Abyss in order to hold the chaotic might of the demons that had ravaged Ora during the Divinity Wars.


Tharizdun is a chaotic god of entropy, darkness, madness, fear, and The Void. He was bound and sealed by the other gods for his betrayal and his essence was infused into the divine artifact the Insensible Cage. His power over The Void forever used to seal and cloak the Empyrean Universe itself from other greedy gods.



Tharizdun usually took the form of a roiling impenetrable blackness or a black hole. At least once he appeared in a somewhat humanoid form as an enormous winged shadow. Now his divinity is part of the Insensible Cage which encases and hides all of the Empyrean Universe.



Tharizdun seemed at first, to the other New Gods, to be a necessary evil, since the vast bulk of the universe they had discovered was in fact only void, his presence was indeed necessary to the Reshaping. He created and bound The Abyss within The Underworld and briefly resided in The Shadowfell.


The Rape of Ishtar

During the Year of Betrayal, Tharizdun secretly attempted to siphon away some of the divine power of Ishtar, in furtherance of his plot to destroy the the New Gods of Empyrean and the entire the Empyrean Universe. He came to her in his most pleasing form, entranced her, and then spread apart her essence using his control of entropy, so he could siphon her power away. Fortunately, Primus corrected the resulting time anomaly, which allowed Ishtar to awaken and fight him off.


The Betrayal War

The New Gods mustered their Celestial forces and went to war against Tharizdun, who hid within his stronghold the Citadel Black in an unknown part of The Abyss. The Demon Lords and Primordial Elementals, promised power by Tharizdun, fought the Gods and their angelic hosts. Until eventually the Primordial Elementals switched sides and revealed the location of the Citadel Black. This resulted in Tharizdun's defeat and the cataclysm on Ora known as The Moonfall.


The Binding of the Dark God

After the conclusion of The Betrayal War, Tharizdun was taken to Mechanus and the judgement of the New Gods was pronounced upon him. He was rendered largely powerless and sealed within the Insensible Cage, this came to be known as The Binding of the Dark God.



Though it is unclear if Tharizdun actually kept any possessions he is known to have created many things such as the Spheres of Annihilation, and the sword Darksever.


Powers and Abilities

Before his binding, Tharizdun was immensely powerful, he could project a 100 ft aura of madness that could break the mind of most creatures, he had truesight and blindsight out to 120 ft, could cast enormous spheres of darkness, was immune to all spells of 5th level or lower, and could disintegrate any mortal he could see once a day. His power over entropy allowed him to slow time, and destroy molecular bonds.

Divine Domains

entropy, darkness, madness, fear, and the void
Tharizdun appearing before Ishtar
Divine Classification
New God
Also known as: Ebon God, The Dark God, He Of Eternal Darkness, The Ender, The Patient One, He Who Waits, The Anathema, The Author Of Wickedness, The Eater Of Worlds, The Despised, The Undoer, The Chained God, The Betrayer, And The Lost God


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