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The Confederated Sky Isles of Firmament

Firmament, a colossal floating continent suspended high above the world of Ora, is a realm of awe-inspiring natural beauty. Its outer regions are covered in dense, ancient forests, their treetops often brushing the bottom of the clouds. The center of Firmament is hilly, with undulating landscapes and emerald valleys that seem to stretch into infinity. Firmament is the name given to both the continent and the wider sky archipelago it is central to, it is also home to a large and powerful ancient civilization.


The Aarakocra of Firmament are a unique and spiritual race of bird-like humanoids, known for their graceful wings, vibrant plumage, and deep connection to the skies. Their history is deeply intertwined with the breathtaking continent they call home. Stretching back into the depths of history, before the Coming of the Gods and the Reshaping the Aarakocra of Firmament were always present on the continent and the sky archipelago it is part of.



The first Aarakocran inhabitants of the floating archipelago have been traced to The Deep History, around 38-40,000 years ago. The Jōmon period, named after the Aarakocran word for its cord-marked pottery, was followed by the Yayoi period in the third millennium BG when new inventions began to be introduced from the ancient celestial kingdoms. During this period, the first known written reference to Firmament was recorded in the ancient Leliurian Book of Dust and Blood in the fifth century BG.


Around the 6th century BG, the Angelic hosts of the Ancient Celestial Kingdoms began immigrating to the sky archipelago and introduced advanced metalurgy and agricultural civilization. Because they had an agricultural civilization, the celestial population began to grow rapidly and ultimately nearly overwhelmed the Aarakocra people, natives of the archipelago who were primarily hunter-gatherers.


Firmament was an essential staging ground for the ongoing Divinity Wars, but the celestials did not want to wipe out the Aarakocra completely, believing they would be useful foot soldiers in their conquest of Acheron. Between the fifth and second centuries, the celestials began breeding programs and sequestered the various types of Aarakocra in tribal reservations throughout the outer archipelago, ostensibly to protect and preserve the multitude of cultures and traditions of the different tribes. In reality, this amounted to a great decline in the welfare and diversity of Aarakocran nations.


Finally the Coming of the Gods changed everything when the celestials were banished to The Overworld to serve the gods during The Planar Expulsion.


Eventually, Firmament's many kingdoms and tribes gradually came to be unified under a centralized government, nominally controlled by an Emperor called The Soveriegn of Wing and Claw. The imperial dynasty established at this time continues to this day, albeit in an almost entirely ceremonial role. In 794 AR, a new imperial capital was established at Heian-kyō (modern High Hall, marking the beginning of the Heian period, which lasted until 1185 AR. The Heian period is considered a golden age of classical Aarakocran culture. Aarakocran religious life from this time and onwards into the modern era has been a mix of native animism practices and worship of the New Gods of Empyrean, especially the sun god Ashtar and the wind god Anor.


Over the following centuries, the power of the imperial house decreased, passing first to great clans of civilian aristocrats and then to the military clans and their armies. The Raptara clan under Sheenara Slipwing emerged victorious from the Kaarotan War of 1180–85 AR, defeating their rival military clan, the Owlin. As of 1185 AR a mostly bloodless coup effected on the back of Slipwing's immense popularity lead to a further reduction of power in the imperial government.


After seizing power, Slipwing set up her capital in Kamakura and took the title of Sky Warden. In 1274 AR and 1281 AR, the Kamakura wardenate withstood two Cloud Giant invasions, but in 1333 AR it was toppled by a rival claimant to the wardenate, ushering in the Dark Skies period. During this period, regional warlords called Talons grew in power at the expense of the Sky Warden.


Eventually, Firmament descended into a period of civil war. Over the course of the late 16th century AR, Firmament was reunified under the leadership of the prominent Talon Oda Blusterclaw and his successor, Toyotomi Sibila. After Toyotomi's death in 1598 AR, Tokuga Upswell came to power and was appointed Sky Warden by the Sovereign Emperor. The Tokuga Wardenate, which moved the seat of government back to Heian-kyō (now renamed High Hall), presided over a prosperous and peaceful era known as the Upswell period (1600–1868 AR). The Tokuga Wardenate imposed a strict class system on Aarakocran society and cut off almost all contact with the outside world.


Leliurium and Firmament came into contact in 1543 AR, when the Leliurians became the first Acherons to reach Firmament by landing in the Western archipelago. They had a significant impact on Firmament, even in this initial limited interaction, introducing firearms to Firmamentian warfare. The Ancellan Vellis Expedition in 1853–54 more completely ended Firmament's seclusion; this contributed to the fall of the Wardenate and the return of power to the emperor during the Centralis War in 1868 AR.


The new national leadership of the following Windcalm period transformed the isolated feudal island country into an empire that closely followed foreign models and became a great power. However, in 1870 AR the very progressive Sovereign of Wing and Claw of the period named Iko Swallowtail put forward articles of confederation all but abolishing the venerable Empire of Wing and Claw and founding the Confederated Sky Isles of Firmament, also simply called Firmament, or the Sky Isles. It is a constitutional monarchy where officials of each prefecture, still called Sky Wardens, are elected and assembled at High Hall to debate and decide on policy for the nation as a whole. The position of Sovereign still exists but is largely a figurehead


Although democracy developed and modern civilian culture prospered during the Windcalm period, Firmament's powerful military had great autonomy and overruled Firmament's civilian leaders in the 1920s and 1930s. The Firmamentian military invaded Acheron in 1931, and from 1937 the conflict escalated into a prolonged war with Leilurium. Firmament's attack on Aplehovil in 1941 led to war with the Amber Coast and its allies. Firmament's forces soon became overextended, but the military held out in spite of Allied air attacks that inflicted severe damage on population centers. Emperor Menos Swallowtail announced Firmament's surrender on Ashtaris 15, 1945 AR, following the sudden attack on High Hall by the topaz dragon Destintine, the Resplendent.


The Allies occupied Firmament until 1952 AR, during which a new constitution was enacted in 1947 that restricted Firmament’s military and gave greater powers to the Assemblage of Sky Wardens. After 1955, Firmament enjoyed very high economic and technological growth under the governance of the Liberal Wing Party, and has become a world economic powerhouse.


Notable Locations


High Hall

At the heart of Firmament lies the magnificent city of High Hall. Perched atop a colossal hill, this city is a testament to Aarakocra craftsmanship and ingenuity. High Hall boasts spires adorned with precious gemstones and ornate towers that seem to touch the heavens themselves. The city's architecture is a breathtaking blend of ethereal beauty and practical functionality, designed to harmonize with the aerial nature of its residents.


High Hall serves as the spiritual and political center of Firmament. Here, Aarakocra leaders, the Sky Wardens, gather to make important decisions and uphold the traditions of their people. The city is known for its grand libraries, where scrolls and tomes recount the ancient history of the Aarakocra.

Political, Confederation
Alternative Names
The Sky Isles, Firmament

Articles under The Confederated Sky Isles of Firmament


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