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the Insensible Cage

After The Binding of Tharizdun. Primus reasoned that if one of their number could be tempted to wrest their power from them then they were even more vulnerable to outside forces, and so something must be done to protect them from other gods discovering this wellspring of power that Empyrean represented the same way they had.


And so it was that Primus engineered a solution. They would construct a cage, for Tharizdun, yes, but also for all of the Empyrean Universe. Using Tharizdun's own connection to The Void to power it, the cage would be impenetrable and undetectable so as to protect and conceal Empyrean from the rest of the multiverse. And so it was that the New Gods set to work constructing the Insensible Cage.


The Insensible Cage is a vast crystal sphere of staggering metaphysical scale, it encloses all of the Empyrean Universe and its Planes of Existence, shielding them from intrusion and hiding them from prying eyes.


The Cage works by using the power of Tharizdun against him, sealing him into his own insane mindscape. Tharizdun was stripped of the majority of his power by Primus and trapped within his mind by powerful mythals woven by Mystra, he is forever bound to the Cage, dreaming of the universe as he wanted it, vast and empty, devoid of life.


the Insensible Cage, constructed by Primus and his Modrons, and enchanted by Mystra to bind itself to the essence of the Dark God, channels that image of The Void and projects it out into the multiverse, and so if any other being looks in the direction of Empyrean, that's all they see. Nothing. Nothing at all.


Modrons of Mechanus
Immense metaphysical and interplanar complexity


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