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Bess Ambi

Princess Bess Ambi (a.k.a. Queen of Industry)

Physical Description

General Physical Condition


Mental characteristics

Personal history

Born after her father died she was put in the care of the court tutor but often just did what she pleased as a child often sneaking out to look at machines and wander around in the Royal armory at night.    When she was 5 she stumbled when sneaking out and fell down a staircase hitting her head several times causing brain damage. When her brother Marko found her he took care of her and took her to the royal surgeon where most of the damage was undone but something snapped in her head but that would not be discovered until she turned 16   Her education was focused on engineering and weaponry.    Her first creation was a small steam ball launcher to practice her aim. She was 14 at this time and she would often come up with weird creations that stayed in her blueprint collection   Victoria Ambi her mother discovered her blueprint collection and gave her permission to pursue her crazy machines. With nearly infinite resources she created Conveyor belts for the miners and the very first tractor to help farmers.    She used the engines of her conveyor belts and tractors to get inspired to build the first steamship. First being built on a small scale no larger than a noble's yacht and showed it off to her Mother and all Nobles in the Empire and Military officials including her Brother.   They all agreed that this was to put it in a simple term. Genius.    The first batch of ships were ordered and all military efforts were put in building them marking the start of Labrynnian naval expansion. Her flag ship the second largest one was named Marusya naming it after the Vistu capital as a token of friendship but the true reason behind it is that she thinks it sounds funny.   On her 21st birthday the Bajtar rifle was revealed naming it after her good friend Bajtar and made standard issue


No one really knows since she is too busy with her creations. She never had a love interest


Educated in Engineering, Chemistry, The Labrynnian body and Mathematics


Currently employed by Elm Woud and Sil Honorblade as a companion

Accomplishments & Achievements

Where to begin.
  • Conveyor belt and engine
  • Tractor
  • Tracks
  • Double steam engine
  • The steam engine
  • The "Big armored horse" also named Tank
  • The Iron horse nicknamed Train
  • The organ gun
  • The Volley gun
  • The multi-barreled fast shooter
  • The airship
  • Shell ammunition
  • prosthetics
  • War crimes
  • Large caliber firearms
  • The railway gun
  • The Boom ram
  • Spicy Firework (Shrapnel rockets)
  • Marko's mechanical body
  • Refined Noble powder
  • Discovering electricity

Failures & Embarrassments

Here we go...  
  • The bomb sling
  • The star cannon
  • Destruction of Zhanjin village in Xiao
  • Causing a cliffside to collapse with a village on it
  • Causing anti royal sentiment due to her making an entire village fall into the sea
  • Ramming her Flagship into a Hylian warship
  • Trying to make a gun walk by casting animate object resulting in it shooting a royal official
  • The War cart a cart with a volley gun on it which she drove into the sea almost drowning 
  • The Cavalry gun which was a cannon attached to the side of a horse
  • Literally turning a train into a very fast battering ram against the Vistu during their rebellion
  • Conquering a nation the Empire was at peace with (although some say this is more of a success)
  • Being the reason Labrynnia holds itself to a code so they don't blow up entire cities aka: being a war criminal
  • Attaching her mortal enemy to a chair and launching it into the sky with firework rockets.

Mental Trauma

She has already seen alot of traumatic things in her life she is unbothered by it but she is extremely traumatized thanks to the battle of the marches where her brother was hit by a cannon causing  a tower  to collapse on him destroying most of his bones.   This made her go mad for a couple hours ordering the complete destruction of all rebellious armies and villages until they surrender.   Bess carried her brother Marko back to camp where healing spells were cast on him keeping him stable but his body rendered useless. Bess started to draw up a mechanical body at her home in Lynna city while Marko was healing inside the Imperial palace.   The body was constructed and Marko placed into it. His body reacted well but his mind was changed ever so slightly causing him to be a lot colder to non Labrynnians unless they were close friends.

Morality & Philosophy

Morality: If it helps my friends i'll do it. OR if its fun


Literally everything she does at this point

Personality Characteristics


She just wants to have fun


Bess Ambi

Daughter (Vital)

Towards Victoria Ambi



Victoria Ambi

Mom (Vital)

Towards Bess Ambi



Bess Ambi

Friend (Trivial)

Towards Elm




Friend (Important)

Towards Bess Ambi



Nicknames & Petnames

Bess to Elm "Single hand"

Bess Ambi

Friend (Trivial)

Towards Sil




Friend (Important)

Towards Bess Ambi



Nicknames & Petnames

Bess to Sil "The Tall one"

Marko Magnus Ambi

Brother (Vital)

Towards Bess Ambi



Bess Ambi

Sister (Vital)

Towards Marko Magnus Ambi



Chaotic chaos
Current Location
Marko Magnus Ambi (Brother)
Quotes & Catchphrases
"Boom" "Turn it all to ashes" "SKRAG LET ME DOWN I'M SMALL"
Arium worship
Aligned Organization
Other Affiliations

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