Victoria Ambi Character in The Endless World | World Anvil
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Victoria Ambi

Empress Victoria Ash Ambi (a.k.a. Girly Strategist)

Mental characteristics

Personal history

She was left in front of the Imperial Palace in hope that she would have a better life there.   A lot of poor families do this most of the time the kid is put in an orphanage. She was lucky and brought inside.   She only 6 months old, the maids took care of her as best as they could.   Her early childhood was mostly helping the cooks and maids around the palace. She often got to see the young prince Roland IV. They soon were good friends becoming his personal maid. Although instead of serving him they just played war games together. Soon King Mhoir thinking Prince Roland would not become the next Emperor arranged a marriage between them.   They were still kids and did not understand the concept of "Marriage".   Her late childhood was the same as her early one.   Her teenage years were spent with Prince Roland and the Grand Marshal. The Grand Marshal has spectated their war games were Victoria won most of the time beating Prince Roland easily. She even managed to beat some of the Eastern Commanders. Thanks to this the Grand Marshal started to teach her how to strategize (More on this in Education)   She and Roland finally understanding the concept of Marriage fell in love and soon started doing what teenagers do... "experiment" and mess around. They were caught outside the Imperial Palace gambling on brawl fights.   Soon Roland's brother died in a hunting accident. This made him the heir to the Throne along with Victoria. Mhoir not expecting this tried to divorce the 2 since the Emperor could not be married to some common Orphan. He tried, he fell Ill soon after doctors could not find out what was wrong with him and soon after he passed away.   The now 17 Year old Roland and 19 Year old Victoria were the rulers of the Empire. Victoria acted as Regent since Roland was not of age and the Council was fighting amongst themselves. Victoria soon turned 20 she had 3 months left to take care of the Council. She did this by Employing a Holodrum man named Snae Narfison. He was to be the first foreign spymaster in the History of the Empire. assassinated the Chancellor and Steward bringing the rest in order soon after.   The Council was stable affairs could go on as normal. Roland became of age after he was crowned by his Wife.   A couple of months later she gave birth to her first son named Leth. She took good care of him.   Once again a couple of Months after she gave birth to a boy named Marko. Marko's Childhood was a bit rougher.   3 years later Victoria went to a journey down south for a visit at the southern Marches where she and her bodyguards were ambushed and captured. Sadly enough she was tortured and asked for ransom.   The Emperor instead took up arms and went down south with his personal bodyguard. In the following battle Roland IV was shot and died soon after. Ofcourse Victoria was with Child. Now the sole ruler of Labrynna and raising 2 boys and soon a girl named Bess. She changed the inheritance laws making it so she could rule although she was female.   Leth was spoiled by his Mother while Marko and Bess were left to the maids.   27 years later we are in the modern day

Gender Identity





She was taught basic court skills how to bow,dance,serve wine,cook etc.   The Grand Marshal took Victoria in as her student and taught her how to command armies from a safe place. She assisted other commanders back in the Palace helping them with logistics and sieges from a War table. She still does this to this day.   She was nicknamed Girly Strategist by Mhoire.

Accomplishments & Achievements

Thanks to her the Siege of Atolos was won due to the use of Sending stones and the use of Cannon rams.   Constructing the Industrial district in Lynna city and Gallows.   Funding Campaigns in the east.   Creating the Academy of Preachers.

Failures & Embarrassments

To be Discovered

Mental Trauma

The trauma of her torture has her having violent bursts of anger and rage as well as depressive episodes that can last for weeks.

Intellectual Characteristics

Victoria is known for the military strategies and inventions.   She wishes to create a new kind of weapon which she work on in her free time

Morality & Philosophy

Victoria will do anything that will keep the realm stable even if it means sacrificing herself. She avoid civilian casualties in war as well.


Elisa Snaedottir

Blood Oath (Vital)

Towards Victoria Ambi



Victoria Ambi

Blood Oath (Vital)

Towards Elisa Snaedottir



Fiadh The Dragoness

Best Friend (Vital)

Towards Victoria Ambi



Victoria Ambi

Best Friend (Important)

Towards Fiadh The Dragoness



Bess Ambi

Daughter (Vital)

Towards Victoria Ambi



Victoria Ambi

Mom (Vital)

Towards Bess Ambi



Victoria Ambi


Towards Roland



Towards Victoria Ambi

Lawful Neutral
Currently Held Titles
Circumstances of Birth
She was born to a poor family in the east. She was left infront of the Imperial palace soon after.
A farm east
Roland (spouse)
Fiadh The Dragoness (Best Friend)
Current Residence
Imperial Palace, Lynna City
Right eye blue left eye green.
Long white
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Aligned Organization
Known Languages
Labrynnian,Iron Fielder,Hylians,Holodrum
Ruled Locations

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