
The only road the Otonomoi have for their magic is the binding and expression of Daemons. Through them, an Oscaller may produce many arcane effects, from healing to wind and ice storms. Lightning bolts and fireballs. Effects against the mind, or twisting of the body, but those particular abilities are rare and pale in comparison to Human Administration.   In ages past, Oscallers needed to search for the stock of their trade much harder than they do now. Daemons could be found wandering the world, in both the wilds and sometimes the shadowed places in cities and towns, and Callers would need to travel the world to find manifestations to bind. There was no Daemon trade, nor a profession revolved around retrieving any of the variety of Daemon, Sprites, or Faeries.   Sprites could be found even within settlements, though the abilities they enable are simple and not widely sought by the most skilled Oscaller.   Faeries have only been found within the last two-hundred years, removing them from the list of possibles.   Such a practice was held up entirely by cultural taboos around the Silent Cities and their relative scarcity. It's not exactly an appealing task to rummage around within cities of the dead, all while in a more spiritual age.   Once the Oscallers started to turn their gaze to those open-air tombs, they made the discovery that each was filled to bursting with both Daemons and Sprites. Those that were free to wander would be more than enough to fuel the modern Daemon trade three times over, yet those manifestations aren't the prize that draws Oscallers from all over the world, powerful may they be.   Instead, hidden away, are the Canopics. Ancient objects that house manifestations of prodigious strength, or even the rare device that holds one of truly singular and legendary ability. These mythic selections often go on to earn a name for themselves, and fetch a price that would support someone for the rest of their centuries.



There are no true requirements to be an Oscaller, but most have an aptitude for it and interact with Daemons, Sprites, Wisps  somewhat casually. Even before they are taught to Bind, they will often have recruited one or two of the weaker variety of those types.

Career Progression

The Oscallers tend to fall into the same process as other, more mundane sects of skilled labor. Tradition dictates that Oscallers take an apprentice or three to train, with the training process being considered complete when the teacher grants the student a Manifestation from their own collection.    That being said, a few different schools have cropped up, promising to turn out a greater number of Oscallers than the traditional method, but their actual speed and the efficacy of their teachings remains to be seen.

Other Benefits

With the stagnant decline of Human Administration, Oscallers have found themselves in greater demand than ever before.   This has allowed quite a few individuals to rise almost to the same level as the Human portion of society, even allowing a few (and only a few) to acquire property within the human districts.


Social Status

High on the social ladder for Otonomoi society, but still low on the ladder for Human social circles.    The fact that it has managed to break into such circles is a show of how important the job has become.



The Grimoire is the only tool that is needed and can take several different forms. This is the item that will allow an Oscaller to bind manifestations to then make use of later.
Alternative Names
Daemoncaller, Spritetalker, Whispsinger, Faeriewarden
High, governments keep a corps of a few hundred Oscallers, at minimum, for their armies and governments.

Articles under Oscaller

Cover image: by Night Cafe Ai Art, modified by myself


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