Adelaide Broveron

Lady Adelaide Broveron

Adelaide Broveron is the daughter of Grace Broveron, one of the Oligarchs ruling over Reishi Island. Who her father is isn't certain, but she is much younger than the practically ancient Grace, and was born in the city of Korosa a little before the turn of the century. Now, Adelaide manages the Bronzeshield Guardhouse in the Kalisa district.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Adelaide has not yet reached mental maturity for an elf, but she is well past the point of physical maturity - she could be likened to something like a seventeen year old. Physically, therefore, she is in the prime of her life, with nothing holding her back, and she has lived through that prime with dutiful physical training that has manifested itself into more strength than her elven features would suggest. The only trouble she has is with an old scar on the back of her neck, from an explosive misfire during training.

Apparel & Accessories

Adelaide dresses simply, in a way that could easily be imagined beneath armor and on the battlefield. She favors blacks and blues over the typically brighter Reishi colors, and even eschews most jewelry, settling with only a simple bronze ring through her right ear.

Mental characteristics


Adelaide received the benefit of not only a noblewoman's training in Korosa, but also the tutelage of her extremely well-traveled and long-lived mother. On top of having lived through nearly as much of Korosa's history as any other elder in the city, Adelaide was always a quick-wit. On top of her intellectual training, Adelaide has received a reasonable amount of martial training and study of magecraft.

Morality & Philosophy

Adelaide has grown up with only the protection of Reishi Island on her mind. She is aware that her mother's loyalty is more to the experience of being a hard-line defender of the people than any actual desire to protect the island, but Adelaide is putting up no such act. She is every bit as devoted to Reishi and its defense as she appears to be.


Family Ties

Adelaide is the daughter of Grace Broveron, one of the current Oligarchs. Her father is unknown, even to her.
Lawful Neutral
Current Status
Managing the Bronzeshield Guardhouse
Current Location
Honorary & Occupational Titles
Lady Broveron, Captain Broveron
Date of Birth
26th of Bimal, 3400
Current Residence
Citadel Armarantha
Big, wide, blue
White, short cropped on the right, long on the right
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Tanned, with a large scar on her back
118 lbs