Grace Broveron

Oligarch Grace Broveron

Grace Broveron is an old aquatic elf - older than the city of Korosa - but is still spry enough to manage the defenses of Reishi Island, both land and naval. She is one of the six Oligarchs.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Despite being more than three centuries old, Grace is still relatively young for an elf - just entering her forties, by comparison. As such, she remains healthy and spry, with most of the strength she once carried and every once of her deadly wit. Unfortunately, her extensive travels have inflicted her with a minor case of infixial schisiming; she is struck only rarely, but the changes are sometimes devastating - this is why her sclera are red and her skin is pocked by gray.

Body Features

Grace's skin is uniformly red, as if she had been sunburned all over and it refuses to heal. Marking that red speckles of gray skin, slightly harder than the rest of her flesh. The worst of it is on her left forearm, where almost all the skin has solidified into a nearly stone-like state.

Facial Features

The red and gray patterning is fairly intense on Grace's face, and her reddened eyes can give her a somewhat intimidating glare, but she has retained flexibility in her features, and so is still capable of expressing herself properly.

Special abilities

Grace has a vast array of skills, ranging from skill with most known weapons to magic to gunplay. She is a remarkably deadly force, comparable in martial skill to Rashard Andires and to Yasmin Maydlow in magical talent.

Apparel & Accessories

Grace maintains the traditional Reishi style - loose, bright clothing draped across the body with plenty of skin showing, and ornamented with gold.  She is especially recognizable by the golden crown of many points that rests in her hair and seems to spill its triangle-crafted shape down through the length of her hair.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Grace has been all over the world. She was born in the Wakague Islands, but after coming of age, she left to explore. She has been to Amahitza, to Veilee, to inland Silvus, beyond to Gaelrip; Carnoj and Luramont. When she had her fill of adventure, Grace returned to her homeland to share what she had learned - just in time to hear of a joint expedition between the people of Veilee and the Wakaguians: to settle Reishi, an island in between major trade routes. Figuring that the only adventure she had not gone on was one of a quiet life, Grace signed up as a settler.   She helped build Citadel Armarantha. She fended off generations of raiders. She watched lineages rise and fall, weeping for some and celebrating for others. Now, Grace is the last of the original settlers to live on Reishi - others have survived, but left to seek adventure elsewhere. Only Grace remains.


Grace originally studied at the Wakague Island's academy, but that was several centuries ago. Most of her understanding of history comes from having lived through it, most of her knowledge of politics comes from experience, and most of her logical skills have been reinforced from centuries of use.


Grace has done a lot. She worked as an archivist in an Amahitzan crystal palace, a sailor with Veilee, a pirate, a merchant, a tribal warrior of Carnoj, the conductor of a train in Luramont, a hunter in Silvus, an ARCHES archaeologist and analyst on Reishi, a guardsman, and now an Oligarch. She has lived the Aquatic Elven ideal of seeking experiences over all.

Morality & Philosophy

Grace would very much like to do everything there is to do, but she is also dreadfully patient, and excellent at mantling her individual role. Because she is currently the Oligarch over defense of the Reishi Island, Grace's morality has shifted to fit: she is by-the-books, with no room for mercy unless offering it is safer for the people of the island. Beneath that though, there's a glitter of excitement and chaos, like she's merely a talented actor playing a role, and she's excited to get back home to tell her family all about how well she performed it.


Family Ties

Grace is the mother to Adelaide. The other half of her daughter's parentage is unknown to all but the Oligarch herself, and Grace does not seem keen on sharing the knowledge.

Religious Views

Grace has tried a little bit of every religion she's come across, but has settled comfortably back into her ancestral beliefs: Of the Watching Gods and the Walking Gods. She worships ten of the twelve, shunning Aphion and Iyera.

Social Aptitude

Grace is an intimidating conversationalist. Her raw experience lends her a kind of knowing wisdom over everyone else, and one generally cannot help but think that they are being had - that Grace knows something that they do not. Generally, they are right.
Lawful Neutral
Current Status
Managing the defenses of Reishi Island
Current Location
Honorary & Occupational Titles
Oligarch Broveron, Highlady Broveron, Captain Broveron
Date of Birth
4th of Demal, 3125
Wakague Islands
Current Residence
Citadel Armarantha
Knowing, red sclera, white iris
Long, mostly gray, black on the top and bottom
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Red-brown, speckled with gray
136 lbs
Aligned Organization