Agni, Goddess of Passion

Goddess Agni

Agni is the Goddess of Passion in the Asamaline Expanse, and one of the six Watching Gods of the Six-Seeing Eyes. She is thought to be the creator of Varanphyr, the Goddess of Sea and Sky, and is worshiped by any with powerful emotions in their hearts. Agni is thought to reign from somewhere within Glee and Gloom.

Divine Domains

Air, chaos, charm, dream, fate, fire glory, knowledge, madness, retribution, and strength.

Divine Symbols & Sigils

Agni is most often represented by an open eye burning with a deep red flame, but she is also associated with rubies, flaming weaponry, white cloth stained with color, and white feathers.

Tenets of Faith

The Band of Passion has six basic tenets:
  1. Feed passion. When passion burns in your heart, do not let it die. Chase your desire until it has been fulfilled.
  2. Dream big. Do not let your limitations contain your ambition. Passion should not be caged by circumstance.
  3. Expand your limits. If you are not big enough to fill the shoes of your passion, become bigger.
  4. Burn brightly. Let your passion be known to all.
  5. Do not be contained. Shackles to your body weigh heavily on your passion as well. Do not allow this.
  6. Do not contain another. Just as you yourself should remain free, you should not restrain another. Their passion is just as meaningful as your own.

Divine Goals & Aspirations

Agni's goals seem to change with the wind. She chases what she wants with fervor, fulfils her desire quickly, and discovers a new goal just as fast.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Agni takes the form of a female Empyreal angel, like one from Kismet, but more radiant. Her head glows with holy light, her feet are wreathed in blood-red flames. Along Agni's wings are yellowed eyes, and across her body are armored robes.

Special abilities

As the Goddess of Passion, Agni is credited with powerful emotions and desires of all sorts for every individual in the Expanse. It is said that a feather from her wing strikes love into the hearts of mortals, a ray of light from head head brings ambition, and an ember from the flames around her feet sparks anger.


Family Ties

Agni is thought to be the daughter of Cirasi and sibling to Shula and Noz'thanor, and also the creator of Varanphyr, Walking Goddess of the Sea and Sky. She also has at least one overlapping domain with all other gods of the Six-seeing Eye.
Divine Classification
Watching God
Chaotic Neutral
Current Status
Burning with passion in Glee and Gloom
Honorary & Occupational Titles
Creator of Varanphyr
Yellow-green, two on her face and many more across her wings
Long strands of silver, kept behind a hood
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Pale white, unmarred
Aligned Organization