Six-Seeing Eyes

The Six-Seeing Eyes is a pantheon of six "Watching Gods," who observe the world from some distant place. It is the sister religion of The Children of Fortune (with six "Walking Gods"), which together form the Paragons of Glory pantheon, the predominant gods of the Asamaline Expanse. The Six-Seeing Eyes are considered to be the creators of the Children of Fortune.  
  • Shula crafted Niyamor to guide mortals in mercantile matters
  • Noz'thanor created Eva'kander to keep the mortals from himself
  • Agni created Varanphyr to mantle her passion in the world
  • Quivira created Doxa to oversee the competitions of mortals
  • Cirasi created Zitalaz to offer the mortals protection from Varanphyr's storms
  • Aphion created Iyera to lead mortals astray


Unlike the Walking Gods, the Six-Seeing Eyes are interconnected to one another by more than overlapping domains and a geographical centers of worship. Cirasi is considered to be the head of the pantheon, and the mother of Agni, Noz'thanor, and Shula, with Aphion, brother of Quivira, as the father. Aphion, however, is thought to have been corrupted and driven away, abandoning his station as the god of power and taking up his thirteen evils instead.

Cirasi, Goddess of Comfort

art, charm, community, dream, healing, nobility, pleasure, repose, renewal, song, and sun
Cirasi, the mother goddess, is the goddess of safety and comfort in the Expanse, though her influence stretches into northern Braix and eastern Reimyth as well. She sings mortals to sleep, delivers their dreams, and provides them pleasure. Cirasi is worshiped most fervently nobility, but there are very few people to whom comfort is not relevant. Followers of Cirasi, known as Cirasians, pray for relaxation, pleasant dreams, healing, inspiration, and beauty. Cirasi is a popular goddess in the Expanse, and is worshipped by most in one form or another.

Agni, Goddess of Passion

air, chaos, charm, dream, fate, fire, glory, knowledge, madness, retribution, and strength
Agni, Cirasi's eldest, is the goddess of passion and zeal in the Expanse. She enflames the enamored, praises the passionate, and glorifies the grand. Agni is worshipped by those with powerful emotions, regardless of what they may be; the wronged seek her retribution, the prideful chase her glory, and the enamored wish for her charm. Followers of Agni, known as Flames, pray for whatever quality their passion requires: knowledge for the scholar, strength for the warrior, a silver-tongue for the merchant, or deft hands for the craftsman. Agni is feared almost as much as she is venerated, as passion in excess can be like madness, and Agni does not know the meaning of restraint.

Noz'thanor, God of Death

darkness, death, destruction, fate, and void
Noz'thanor, Cirasi's only son, is the lonely death god of the Expanse. He directs the departed, shepherds the soul, and leads the lifeless. Noz'thanor is, by his own request, not generally worshipped, as he loathes his domains and wishes to keep the living from himself. He is the only Watching God to have blinded himself, giving his six eyes to Eva'kander, his scion. The few followers of Noz'thanor, known as Destined, pray mainly to guide Noz'thanor's unseeing gaze away from centers of population and toward the wicked, so that he does not inadvertently bring death to the undeserving. Noz'thanor is respected, and occasionally pitied for his lonesome nature.

Shula, Goddess of Luck

chaos, glory, liberation, luck, trickery, and weather
Shula, Cirasi's youngest, is the goddess of luck in the Expanse. She glorifies the gamblers, steers serendipity, and aims accidents. Shula is worshipped by almost everyone, as good fortune reigns supreme in the Expanse, but merchants, gamblers, travelers, and slaves are her most zealous followers. Followers of Shula, known as Shuli, pray for favorable weather, good fortune, freedom from their bonds, and for glory. Shula is probably the most universally worshipped Watching God, even more than Cirasi.

Quivira, Goddess of Battle

artifice, death, destruction, glory, liberation, ocean, protection, retribution, strength, and war
Quivira, Aphion's sister and Cirasi's warmaiden, is the goddess of battle in the Expanse. She commands combat, supervises strife, and oversees onslaught. Quivira is loved and loathed, prayed to by raiders, pirates, soldiers, and by anyone else for whom combat is inevitable or enjoyable, and prayed against by those wishing for peace or safety. Followers of Quivira, known as Virians, often pray to her for glory or strength, slaves pray for protection, liberation, or retribution, and gunslingers pray for their guns to avoid misfiring. Despite the best efforts of some, conflict is frequent in the Expanse, and so Quivira is consistently relevant.

Aiphon, God of Evils

chaos, cold, darkness, death, destruction, erosion, evil, famine, fire, madness, occult, trickery, void, and war
Aiphon, Cirasi's once-husband and Quivira's brother, is the god of thirteen evils in the Expanse. He sends waves of wickedness, deals in death, and creates chaos. Aiphon has very few worshipers, and is mainly prayed against. What few followers he has are known as The Wicked, and pray for all sorts of foul things: war among the islands, madness in the minds of rulers, famine in the fields, or chaos in the streets. So long as evil remains in the Expanse, so too will Aiphon's gaze.


Religious, Pantheon
Alternative Names
The Watching Gods