Band of Passion

The Band of Passion is the religion of Agni, Goddess of Passion in the Expanse and one of the six Watching Gods of the Six-Seeing Eyes. Members of the Band of Passion, known as Flames, are common all across the Expanse.

Tenets of Faith

The Band of Passion has six basic tenets:
  • Feed passion. When passion burns in your heart, do not let it die. Chase your desire until it has been fulfilled.
  • Dream big. Do not let your limitations contain your ambition. Passion should not be caged by circumstance.
  • Expand your limits. If you are not big enough to fill the shoes of your passion, become bigger.
  • Burn brightly. Let your passion be known to all.
  • Do not be contained. Shackles to your body weigh heavily on your passion as well. Do not allow this.
  • Do not contain another. Just as you yourself should remain free, you should not restrain another. Their passion is just as meaningful as your own.


The Sin of Constraint and Discouragement
Constraining ones self or another, either physically or emotionally, is considered a deep sin among Flames. Your passion should inspire others to be true to their desires as well, and you should never discourage one actively from their dreams. To stand in opposition, to test their passion against your own, is acceptable, but to demean their desire as fundamentally flawed is wrong, no matter your personal opinion on the matter.  
The Sin of Inaction
A flame without fuel does not burn, and so too does one without passion not shine. Do not allow yourself to fall into complacency and merely take life as it comes, but instead chase something powerfully; grow; burn.  
The Virtue of Fervor
If a thing is to be done, it should be done powerfully. Restraint and half-measures have no place in the hearts or actions of a Flame that is burning brightly. Do what you do with alacrity, with strength, and with purpose.


Agni is worshiped in many ways. Some choose to sing songs of her glory, often requesting that she strike them with deeper passions, while others worship simply by doing, by chasing the things they desire with fervor that they hope will make the goddess proud. The especially pious may band together with others who share their passion to chase it together, feeding off of one another's powerful desire.

Dream Big, Feed Passion, Burn Bright

Religious, Other