Iyera, Goddess of the Lost

Goddess Iyera

Iyera is the Goddess of the Lost in the Asamaline Expanse, and one of the six Walking Gods of the Children of Fortune. She is thought to be the scion or aspect of Aiphon, the God of Evils, and is predominantly worshipped by those who seek knowledge, but most pray against Iyera, hoping that she will not lead them astray.

Divine Domains

Darkness, erosion, fate, knowledge, madness, occult, ocean, ruins, rune, time, travel, and vermin


As the collector of all lost things, Iyera is said to have countless artifacts, even a few that once belonged to other gods--most famously, Niyamor's Ship of Gold--but any artifacts that belong to Iyera herself are unknown.

Divine Symbols & Sigils

Iyera is most often represented by a crescent moon with a moth hovering inside of it, but she is also associated with four and eight-pointed stars, black hands, and wide-open eyes. Iyera is likely represented by other symbols among her faithful, but such things are not commonly known.

Tenets of Faith

The Lost have six basic tenets:
  1. There is always another secret. Never think that you know all there is to know. There is always something new to uncover.
  2. What's yours is yours. The things that belong to you are solely yours. They should not be shared; indeed, others should not even be aware of what you have.
  3. All things are ephemeral. Everything will fall. It is foolish to cling to relics of the past. Let them fall to ruin; let their secrets fade into obscurity.
  4. Be self-sufficient. Eschew community. Strength only comes from the self. Do not submit yourself to the exploitation of others.
  5. Take what you desire. If another has something that you desire and you are aware of it, they have failed to protect it. If you have the power to take what you want, you also have the right.
  6. Destroy the object of your hatred. To allow that which you despise to remain intact is a betrayal of yourself.

Divine Goals & Aspirations

Iyera's goal appears to be to bring ruin to all people in the Asamaline Expanse, hoard and obscure all knowledge, tarnish the light, and cast minds into madness. Why she does this is not known, but it is assumed that she has some kind of personal vendetta against the poeple and gods of the Expanse.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Iyera takes the form of a fifteen foot tall woman with a pale white face. Her arms, of which she has six, have deep black flesh, outlined with pallid luminesecne regardless of the direction they're viewed from. Iyera's hair folds out in front of her in three bundles, and out behind her like a veil, one pushed back by the two moth-like antennae that protrude from her hairline. The veil-like portion of Iyera's hair is darker, and interwoven with stars. Iyera also has two wings, each with a different design; one depicts an artful merging of a crescent moon and an eye, and the other depicts an eight-pointed star.

Special abilities

As the Goddess of the Lost and the scion of Aiphon, Iyera is credited with most forms of misfortune in the Expanse. It is said that she delights in guiding passing vessels astray, stealing memories from the mind, and casting disasters on the islands. Iyera is also thought to be the most knowledgable among the Walking Gods, as she is a noted collector of information--often for the sake of keeping away from everyone else.

Apparel & Accessories

Iyera appears to be dressed in spiritual garb, given her long robe, veil-like hair, and the string of beads held between her hands, but so much of her body is concealed by her hair that it's difficult to say for certain.


Family Ties

Iyera is thought to be the creation of Aiphon, God of Evils, who is the ex-husband of Cirasi, Goddess of Comfort, and the brother to Quivira the Goddess of Battle. She also has overlapping domains with Niyamor, Varanphyr, and Doxa.
Neutral Evil
Current Status
Misleading the souls of the Asamaline Expanse.
Honorary & Occupational Titles
Sadistic Scion of Aiphon.
Current Residence
Half lidded, sickly yellow-green.
Long, silky black with stars interwoven within, broken by two moth-like antennae
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Snow-white face, black with white outlining everywhere else.
15 feet
404 lbs.
Aligned Organization