The Lost

The Lost are members of the cult of Iyera, the Goddess of the Lost in the Expanse and one of th six Walking Gods of The Children of Fortune. Rather than as one unified organization, The Lost operate individually, only occasionally working together for particularly difficult goals. The Lost are uncommon in the Expanse.

Tenets of Faith

The Lost have six basic tenets:
  1. There is always another secret. Never think that you know all there is to know. There is always something new to uncover.
  2. What's yours is yours. The things that belong to you are solely yours. They should not be shared; indeed, others should not even be aware of what you have.
  3. All things are ephemeral. Everything will fall. It is foolish to cling to relics of the past. Let them fall to ruin; let their secrets fade into obscurity.
  4. Be self-sufficient. Eschew community. Strength only comes from the self. Do not submit yourself to the exploitation of others.
  5. Take what you desire. If another has something that you desire and you are aware of it, they have failed to protect it. If you have the power to take what you want, you also have the right.
  6. Destroy the object of your hatred. To allow that which you despise to remain intact is a betrayal of yourself.

All things are ephemeral

Religious, Cult
The Lost