Jak Abither

Younglord Jak Abither

The son of Oligarch Kian Abither, Jak has followed in his father's footsteps. He is a brutal slave master that manages the Matire Skumhouses.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Jak is a large man. He's heavily muscled, tough, shockingly agile, and in excellent health. Any time a slave gets rowdy with him, he's able to put their face to the sand in mere moments, even when ganged up on. His stature is frankly intimidating.

Facial Features

Jak could be considered ruggedly handsome, but his face is harsh. His nose is slightly out of place from having been broken, his eyes are narrow and intense, set below heavy eyebrows that seem constantly furrowed in an angry expression, and his mouth seems constantly twisted into a frown. He has been lucky enough to avoid scars on his face thus far.

Apparel & Accessories

Unlike most Reishi noblemen, Jak dresses simply. He prefers dark colors, has no jewelry, and rarely wears anything more complex than a high-collared jacket, often without a shirt beneath, and some trousers.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Jak was born and raised in Korosa under the cruel hand of Kian Abither. His father new passion, but not love, and so he treated his son more like a favored slave than his heir. Jak did as he was told. He punished the slaves or was punished himself, he commanded their respect in order to maintain his father's. His mother, Rashona, was not much better; she married into the Abither family for the power, and Jak was her anchor - if anything happened to him, her connection to the ruling family would be weakened, and so she... "maintained" him. She taught him to be selfish, to prioritize himself (and her, of course) over everything else, and Rashona ensured that he would be conditioned to believe her words the same way she did. After ensuring he was strong enough, she put him in "life threatening" situations, where helping his fellow man would guarantee his death and leaving them to rot would spare him.   Jak is not a good man, but he was not given much of a chance to become one either.


Jak received the standard noble education for Korosa. Some instruction in art and aesthetics at Taylan Academy, a bit of trade schooling at the Artisan Guild, and some understanding of market fare at Richer Rivals, on top of history and etiquette lessons within his own home. That said, Jak wasn't the most attentive of students, and though he has a solid understanding of how to manage large groups of people, he isn't nearly as clever as some of his contemporaries.

Mental Trauma

Nothing can ever be Jak's fault. After all, if he did something wrong then he would be deserving of punishment, and Jak should never allow himself to be punished. Instead, his subordinates have failed, or his orders were flawed, or anything else. The conditioning his parents put him through runs deep, and Jak may entirely break down if he is placed in a situation where he has no one to blame but himself.

Morality & Philosophy

Jak is not a good man. He prioritizes himself over everyone else and is a brutal slave master, infamous for his harsh punishments. It isn't unheard of for him to pin a slave to a wall with a shellbolter and leave them there for a while, or to string someone out in an Adgen storm. Both of these are usually fatal, or at least permanently debilitating.

Personality Characteristics

Vices & Personality flaws

Jak is known to drink fairly heavily at the Groggery most nights, and may even stop by a brothel afterwards. On occasion, he'll pass by the skumhouses late at night and rouse the slaves to give them some menial task to do.

Personality Quirks

Jak responds poorly to anyone suggesting that he may be wrong, either in word or action. He has enough self control not to fly into a rage over it, but it definitely gets a reaction out of him.


Family Ties

Jak is the son of Kian and Rashona Abither.

Social Aptitude

Jak is confident and capable of leadership - or at least commanding enough respect to get people to do what he wants - and is somewhere between maintaining proper etiquette and being crass.
Lawful Evil
Current Status
Managing the Matire Skumhouse
Current Location
Honorary & Occupational Titles
Date of Birth
21st of Hazemal, 3440 3AE
Current Residence
Citadel Armarantha
Harsh, brown
Dark brown shaggy hair and a scruffy beard
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Tanned and rough
200 lbs
Aligned Organization