Jemarcus Raze

Lord Jemarcus Raze

Jemarcus Raze is the father of Lara Raze, one of the current Oligarchs. He stepped down from his position as the head of the Raze family due to his age, and now runs a peaceful tea shop on the edge of Whitewater Farm.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Jemarcus is advanced in years, but has managed to remain mostly upright and in fair enough condition. He can't engage in any strenuous activity for too long and he uses a cane to walk, but is otherwise still quite sturdy.

Apparel & Accessories

Jermarcus has taken nicely to the Northwestern Amahtizan style of clothing, electing to wear a monochrome robe lined on the inside with red. The black, white, and red match his dark skin and pale hair well.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Jemarcus has lived through nearly half of Korosa's existence. He was alive when Ayrith and Ardglass were founded, he has watched six war games, and saw the small town grow into the maritime trade capital that it has become today. Throughout most of it, he maintained a position as solidly middle-class - always a tenuous position in Korosa, where competition is harsh and debts are common. However, he managed to avoid slavery for the whole of his life, and has now settled into a comfortable retirement now that his daughter Lara has become an Oligarch.


Jemarcus didn't get much of an education in his youth. He knows how to do some simple tasks - a bit of sailing, how to organize stocks, some arithmetic, a bit of fighting, and so on - but he never sat down to officially study it until much later in his life. Fortunately, he hasn't needed to be particularly well-read to run a peaceful little tea shop.

Morality & Philosophy

Jemarcus is, against all odds, a good man. He often treats the farm workers to some herbal remedies for their arching muscles or sunburns, if they don't happen to get under shelter before Camlin's arrow, and even pays for an extra hour for the slaves that work Whitewater Farms so that they can have a bit of time to relax and enjoy a cup of tea.


Family Ties

Jemarcus is the father of Lara Raze, the stepfather of Booker Raze, and the grandfather of Cantrice Raze.
Neutral Good
Current Status
Enjoying retirement
Current Location
Honorary & Occupational Titles
Lord Raze
Date of Birth
5th of Remal, 3399
Current Residence
Whitewater Tea
Dark, narrow, usually closed
Short cropped, white
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Dark brown, weathered with age
148 lbs