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Eliion Sílon

Eliion Sílon is the golden child of the current leader of the Golden Council, Lady Torthriel. She is a gifted paladin and has groomed her son to be the same. She expected him to be exceptional in all things from a young age and he has always strived to meet those expectations.
Torthriel plans to elevate Eliion to the Council in a few centuries and prior to that, assist him in climbing the ranks of the Faith, therefore adding another of their family and allies to the power at the top.
He has been raised much as royalty all his life and is arrogantly assured of his prowess in everything. He expects everyone to bow and scrape and be awed of him as they are in his homeland. He is arrogant, rude and self centred but if he puts in the effort he can be seen as charming and polite.
He is a skilled warrior and a faithful soldier of the Gold Pantheon. The Fable Elves view Eliion as the perfect example of what their people should be.
He is soon to start his schooling at Nasrelts, Academy of the Arcane.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Eliion is always perfect in all ways. He is never mussed, never unkempt, never has even a hair out of place. He is graceful, willowy and elegant always. He is the definition of an Elf of human lore.

Body Features

Eliion is a warrior but even years of training have not added muscle mass to his slender form. He is strong but lithe.

Identifying Characteristics

Eliion is very obviously a Fable Fae. He has gold skin, gold hair, gold eyes. To his people, he is a perfect example of how they should look and they view him as one of the most handsome Elves in Ryren Thalor.
He has an identifying scent of roses & lemon citrus. He was raised in the lap of luxury and takes that luxury with him where he goes. His clothes are washed with lemon scent and he bathes in rose water every day.

Apparel & Accessories

Fable Folk apparel is always of high quality and generally looks formal, stiff and uncomfortable. Eliion's is no different. He always dresses in whites and golds, in formal robes and elegant styles.

Specialized Equipment

A long, thick, blade made of diamond is held by a grip wrapped in gilded, deep red leather.
The blade has a narrow, twisted cross-guard, adding just enough weight to make sure the blade sits firmly in the owner's hand and protecting those same hands as well. The cross-guard has a jewelled dragon head on each side. 
A fairly large pommel is decorated with a rare gem and fine details which prove how carefully this weapon was crafted. This weapon is clearly meant to be taken care of with dedication.
The blade itself is engraved with Religious symbols; the blade needs no other decorations, it only needs to be strong and sharp.
This weapon is used by champions and proven fighters. None deserve this weapon more than the greatest fighters of all.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

In Ryren Thalor, the Council and their families are treated like royalty and act like it in turn. Eliion has been treated as a Prince all his life, though no one would actually say that word. He expects everyone to do so and has yet to grasp that his importance is based not upon his own actions but his mother's and that importance doesn't extend beyond the borders of their city.


The Faith of the Golden Pantheon is very strict on matters such as sexuality. As such Eliion, who was raised in the Faith would never consider anything except intimacy with a woman to whom he was married. 
This is a far cry from the other Fae Religions and mentalities who care not for gender nor bonding prior to intimacy. Eliion finds that disgusting and sinful.


As all elves are, Eliion was educated in his homeland throughout his childhood. He attended school with the other Elven children of Ryren Thalor, specifically those who's parents are prominent figures in the Faith Government as his own is.
He and all other Ryren Thalor Elf children also spent a vast amount of their childhood studying their religious texts and memorising them.

Accomplishments & Achievements

Eliion is an accomplished warrior of the Gold Pantheon. He is devoted and unflinching in the face of those who oppose his religion. He trained relentlessly to become so skilled with the sword.

Mental Trauma

Eliion has had a lot of pressure placed on his since a young age. His mother is the highest ranking official in his nation and she expects him to follow in her footsteps. Eliion must be perfect in everything he does.

Morality & Philosophy

The Gold Pantheon is a faith of morality and law. It teaches lawfulness, empathy and honesty. The Plains Elves have somewhat skipped the empathy but they are very strict about abiding the laws and not committing sins as the other Courts do.


Eliion find the sins of the other Fae cultures and Courts disgusting. The idea of being outdone or upstaged by people of those Courts is even worse to him.

Personality Characteristics


Eliion has been groomed to be the perfect son, the perfect warrior, the perfect politician. His goal is his mother goal; to reach the council and claim a seat. He wants power and notoriety and prestige.

Savvies & Ineptitudes

Eliion is skilled with a sword. He is a strong warrior and a formidable foe.
He also took up jewellery as a hobby some time ago. Since the hobby offers no help in his rise to power he has not been able to commit much time towards it nor been able to find teachers to better his skill. As a result he is quite shoddy in the craft.

Likes & Dislikes

  • His Gods
  • Jewellery Crafting (metal work)
  • Glass blowing
  • Fancy food
  • Wine
  • Rock climbing
  • Rowing
  • Golf
  • Faith
  • Ash fae
  • Faithlessness
  • Sinners
  • Humans
  • Savagery of the Unseelie
  • Having bad traits pointed out
  • Being corrected
  • Dirt/getting dirty
  • Not being treated like he’s special

Virtues & Personality perks

  • Athletic & Active
  • Disciplined & Dedicated
  • Articulate
  • Hardworking & Driven
  • Protective
  • Charismatic
  • Courageous
  • Clever

Vices & Personality flaws

  • Overly Picky Primadonna
  • Callous 
  • Jealous & Overprotective
  • Superstitious
  • Authoritarian & Control Freak
  • Entitled, Pretentious & Egotistical
  • Pompous & Vain
  • Overconfident
  • Unworldly
  • Unimaginative 
  • Peevish 
  • Selfish 
  • Sore Winner & Loser
  • Attention Seeker
  • Slimy

Personality Quirks

Eliion boasts constantly. He boasts about himself, his people, his wealth and status. He does both is openly and subtly. He is the King of the humble brag and the obnoxious boast.


Contacts & Relations

Servant - Eliion has had servants around him all his life. He has never bothered to learn their names because why would he? This Satyr has been with him a while and acts as his personal manservant.

Family Ties

Torthriel Sílon - Eliion's mother. She is a Paladin of the Golden Council and the unofficial leader of the Plains Fae Government. She is haughty and arrogant and has groomed her son to take power as she has.

Religious Views

Eliion is intensely religious. His faith to the Gold Pantheon and it's strict, inflexible lifestyle is unwavering. He views all other cultures as beneath his own and their ways a heathenistic since their religions do not dictate such harsh and totalitarian.

Social Aptitude

Eliion is overly confident, extroverted and arrogant. But he is restricted by the etiquette and social rules of his culture and very proper and formal.


Eliion is arrogant, entitled and sure of himself to an obnoxious degree. He treats everyone around him rudely because in his eyes he is obviously better than them so why shouldn't he? He looks down on all Low Fae Species and Forest Fae and utterly despises all Fae of the Unseelie Court.

Hobbies & Pets

Eliion has two hobbies; jewellery crafting and glass blowing. Neither is seen as beneficial for their goals by his mother or family and as such neither is supported by them. Because of this, his knowledge about both hobbies is entirely self-taught and shoddy. He has been trying glass blowing for longer and is slightly better at it than he is a jewellery making.

Wealth & Financial state

Eliion is the first born son of the youngest generation of the richest family in Ryren Thalor. The Fable Elves are known for their expensive goods and as the family with the most gold, Eliion has lived a life of spoiled luxury on a scale that others in the city could never even imagine.
Honorary & Occupational Titles
Son of Torthriel, Paladin Member of the Golden Council
Ryren Thalor, Upper Districts
Golden, serious & arrogant
Long, Blonde, Silky
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Tanned, Smooth & Perfect
Golden Pantheon

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