Nasrelts, Academy of the Arcane Settlement in the Fae Realm | World Anvil
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Nasrelts, Academy of the Arcane

Nasrelts is the Academy created by the Seelie and Unseelie Queens to teach newly immortal Elves a broad and rounded education not swayed by any one nation. In terms of age it is more akin to a university than a school as the Fae attending are equal in age to a human aged between 20 and 25.
Since the Fae reproduce so rarely, there are not enough newly mature Elves to attend per year. Since Fae age so slowly the passing of a couple extra years has no impact on their age. The Academy operates with one student group per decade. All the young Elves to have reached maturity in the past ten years study at the Academy together for ten years. When they graduate, the new Fae to have reached maturity within that ten years attend and so forth.
The Academy teaches classes mandatory for all nationalities and classes specified to the abilities and powers of the 4 nations. Once the students have reached their 5th year they can choose to study other Nationality classes as electives. Since the students study for ten years, the Academy offers many classes and subjects for them to master. It is expected by the time they reach their 7th year for them to have dropped classes they wish do not wish to specialise in. At that point they would have a base knowledge of all the classes assigned to their court.
Head Cook - Ghillie ; Leshy Forest Low
Custodian - Gripp ; Minotaur Plains Low
Groundskeeper - Elkak ; Ent Forest Low
Choir Conductor - Screech ; Harpy Blood Low
Librarian - Daga ; Slothling Blood Low
School Band Conductor - Foxblossom ; Dryad Forest Low
Coach -
  • Háski ; Redcap Blood Low
  • Maelil ; Blood Folk
  • Scrubblehook ; Spriggan Forest Low
Academy Seamstress - Lurklequill ; Arachnid Ash Low
Beast Keepers/Stablemasters -
  • Mother Mither ; Gorgon Ash Low
  • Foxblossom ; Dryad Forest Low
  • Veizla ; Lamia Blood Low
Magical Theory
Taught by Lurklequill ; Arachnid Ash Low
Mandatory subject for all students
(In later years of study, students are split by court and taught by court specific professors)
Focusing on the theory of wielding, strengthening and calling magical abilities and basic spells and charms usable to all courts, most specifically glamours. In later years the class splits into 4 to focus on basic court specific magics.

Magical Practice
Taught by Daenor ; Ash Folk
Mandatory subject for all students
(In later years of study, students are split by court and taught by court specific professors) Focuses on the practical side of the magical theory class, provides a location for the students to attempt and practice the basic magical abilities and spells taught in the theory class. In later years the class splits into 4 to focus on basic court specific magics.

Ancient Studies
Taught by Sýn ; Cat-sith Plains Low
Mandatory subject for all students
Teaches the history of the Fae Realm without the bias or adaptations of any one court.

Combat Training
Taught by Háski ; Redcap Blood Low (Melee) & Maelil ; Blood Folk (Ranged) & Scrubblehook ; Spriggan Forest Low (Magic)
Mandatory subject for all students
Teaches offensive and defensive skills across 3 divisions; melee combat, ranged combat and magical combat. The 3 subjects are taught concurrently and the students move between as or if they wish. Melee combat includes close combat weapons and physical close combat training. Ranged combat focuses on all types of ranged weaponry. Magical combat teaches defensive and offensive uses for magics and spells.

Taught by Fúna ; Shroomgus Ash Low
Mandatory subject for all students
Teaches the use of blending and stewing ingredients together to make potions of power. The professor teaches potions of all courts simultaneously after having studied potion making for centuries and learning the recipes and potions of all the other courts. Students studying advanced potions in their later academy years have the option to attempt the most simplistic potions of other courts.

Taught by Vanda ; Banshee Ash Low
Mandatory for all students
Divination in different for each court and whilst the students learn the theory of all 4 nation’s method, they only practice their own.

Taught by Babbletoad ; Shroomgus Forest Low
Taught to Ash Folk and Blood Folk
Theory of uses and properties of plants, specifically those found in the South and the Swamplands or those with benefits or detriment to the Ash or Blood Fae.

Advanced Herbology
Taught by Sirwen ; Forest Folk
Taught to Forest Folk
An advanced class for the Forest Fae students who arrive at the Academy already knowledgeable of most herbology facts and information.

Taught by Tomrin ; Satyr Plains Low
Taught to the Plains Folk and Forest Folk
Focuses on teaching and practicing magical healing techniques used in hospices and on the battlefield and on non-magic healing using herbs, poultices and plants for medicines.

Charms and Blessings
Taught by Tonthel ; Plains Folk
Taught to the Plains Folk
Focuses on the charms and blessing spells usable by only the Plains Fae. Teaches both practically and theoretically.

Taught by Bainion ; Plains Folk
Taught to the Plains Folk
Teaches Plains Elf students how to invoke the power of their Pantheon Gods and Patrons and the uses and abilities each invocation has.

Taught by Ciph ; Cyclops Plains Low
Taught to the Plains Folk and Ash Folk
Teaches the transmutation of transmutation of matter, in particular with attempts to convert base metals into gold or find a universal elixir.

Defence against Dark Magics
Taught by Flefnir ; Bluecap Plains Low
Taught to the Plains Folk
Class specialised to recognising and defending against the darker magics used by the Unseelie courts.

Black Magics
Taught by Einwel ; Ash Folk
Taught to the Ash Folk
Class specialised to the theory and practice of the magics specific to the Ash Fae including Ghoul and Afterlife Studies, Binding and Summoning and Hexes and Curses, all of which can be continued as full classes in later years. Ghoul and Afterlife studies can lead to abilities such as necromancy, communicating with the dead and summoning and banishing the dead. Binding and Summoning refers to the practice of binding powerful beasts and monsters as familiars, to be summoned in battle or at the Fae’s will. Hexes and Curses teaches one of the most favoured magics of the Ash Fae, ranging in difficulty of incantations and power required to avoiding knockback or backfiring.

Beasts of the Swampland
Taught by Veizla ; Lamia Blood Low
Taught to the Blood Folk
Focuses on the theoretical and practical care of or defence against all the beasts inhabiting the Swamplands of the Blood Fae. The class utilises a stable of beasts for practical use and imports some others from the Swamplands.

Blood Studies
Taught by Cothien ; Blood Folk
Taught to the Blood Folk
Teaches the Blood Students how to use their shed blood and that of others for magics such as Blood bindings, blood curses and fuelling strength or spells with blood and the incantations required for such spells.

Taught by Father Fleetfoot ; Centaur Plains Low
Taught to Forest Folk and the Blood Folk
Study of the stars, their alignments, and constellations to divine fortunes, prophecies, omens and messages from the gods

Living with Forest Creatures
Taught by Foxblossom ; Dryad Forest Low
Taught to the Forest Folk
Study of the creatures inhabiting the Forests of Eldermur and how to care for and live alongside them. Uses both theory and practical teaching with stables of forest creatures to use for practicals.

Study of the Beasts of the South
Taught by Mother Mither ; Gorgon Ash Low
Taught to Ash Folk
Study of the Beasts inhabiting the Southern Territories. Includes theoretical and practical demonstrations of the beasts and includes which can be tamed and bound and which cannot, the strengths and weaknesses of each beast, their practical uses both dead and living and the general overview of each creature.

Taught by Screech ; Harpy Blood Low
Taught to Blood Folk and Forest Folk
The classroom has to be divided between the 2 attending courts as both have very different music tastes and will fight over them. Given the bad blood between the two courts, the class is taught separately with the professor moving between the two.

Study of Ancient Runes
Taught by Strïth ; Blood Folk
Taught to Ash Folk, Blood Folk and Forest Folk
Study of the ancient runes used to summon power from the gods, as talismans of power and strength by the Primordial Fae or used in spells and rituals. Using the wrong rune or an incorrectly drawn rune could be disastrous leading to all 3 courts that still use them to be forbidden from dropping this class until they can prove they can recite and draw each rune without mistake.

Mandatory Classes
Magical Theory
Taught by Lurklequill ; Arachnid Ash Low
Magical Practice
Taught by Daenor ; Ash Folk
Ancient Studies
Taught by Sýn ; Cat-sith Plains Low
Combat Training
Taught by Háski ; Redcap Blood Low (Melee) & Maelil ; Blood Folk (Ranged) & Scrubblehook ; Spriggan Forest Low (Magic)
Taught by Fúna ; Shroomgus Ash Low
Taught by Vanda ; Banshee Ash Low

Court Specific Classes
Plains Ash Forest Blood
Defence against Dark Magics
Taught by Flefnir ; Bluecap Plains Low
Study of Ancient Runes
Taught by Strïth ; Blood Folk
Study of Ancient Runes
Taught by Strïth ; Blood Folk
Study of Ancient Runes
Taught by Strïth ; Blood Folk
Taught by Bainion ; Plains Folk
Study of the Beasts of the South
Taught by Mother Mither ; Gorgon Ash Low
Taught by Screech ; Harpy Blood Low
Taught by Screech ; Harpy Blood Low
Charms and Blessings
Taught by Tonthel ; Plains Folk
Black Magics
Taught by Einwel ; Ash Folk
Living with Forest Creatures
Taught by Foxblossom ; Dryad Forest Low
Blood Studies
Taught by Cothien ; Blood Folk
Taught by Ciph ; Cyclops Plains Low
Taught by Ciph ; Cyclops Plains Low
Taught by Father Fleetfoot ; Centaur Plains Low
Taught by Father Fleetfoot ; Centaur Plains Low
Taught by Tomrin ; Satyr Plains Low
Taught by Babbletoad ; Shroomgus Forest Low
Advanced Herbology
Taught by Sirwen ; Forest Folk
Taught by Babbletoad ; Shroomgus Forest Low
Beasts of the Swampland
Taught by Veizla ; Lamia Blood Low


Whilst student population numbers are never exact between teaching sessions, the rough demographic scale of students ranges with the Plains Folk having the highest populations and the Ash Elves having the lowest. The Academy typically prefers to keep the 4 nationalities separate with the exception of classes, keeping all student groups in different dorms, recreation areas and common rooms.
The faculties includes a range of Fae from all nations with differing social ranks and species.


The Academy is ran by a council of all the teachers and staff. Having a Headmaster of any one nationality would breed resentments and favouritism. The teachers are both High Fae and Low Fae alike in efforts to stop prejudice growing in young Elves.
The Four current heads of each court are:
  • Ash Folk - Lurklequill ; Arachnid Ash Low
  • Blood Folk - Veizla ; Lamia Blood Low
  • Forest Folk - Sirwen ; Forest Elf
  • Plains Folk - Bainion ; Plains Elf


The geography and architecture of the Academy acts as a natural defence. The Island only has one beach and the Spires only one passable path. The school is only reachable by one narrow bridge. 
Nasrelts is protected by a treaty first signed in the Age of the Queens and honoured long after their deaths. It protects the school and binds all the 4 courts together to stand against any who would attack the school regardless of alliances or hatred.
Newly immortal Elves are notoriously unstable both in attitude and bloodlust and their magics and skills are even more so until they have mastered them. This risk alone acts as a deterrent to any would be threats.

Industry & Trade

All 4 nations ship resources and supplies to Nasrelts each month, 1 nation per week. The supplies arrive by ship at the only dock on the Crystal Spires Island. Each Nation supplies different goods and provisions. All shipments are overseen, organised and catalogued by the Custodian, Gripp.


There is only one dock on the Crystal Spires island and only one road leading from it to the sky bridge of the Academy. The road follows between the pass between two of the Spires.


Nasrelts is home to the largest ingredients depository in the Fae Realm, holding ingredients, plants and foods from all Nations. Likewise it holds the largest library of histories, tomes, textbooks and grimoires in the 4 Nations. Scholars the world over will travel back to the Academy that they once learned at to study ancient texts and knowledge.
The Forest Folk greenhouses and the tunnels under the Ash dorms both hold massive amounts of plants, fungi and other assorted ingredients. The greenhouse acts as an official ingredient repository for the school where the tunnels are a universal secret known only the Ash Fae where they grow an assortment of poisonous and dangerous plants and fungi that would be otherwise banned. 
They have a massive armoury containing almost every weapon in existence, both for the use of teaching the students how to wield them and as a defence should the Academy be attacked.

Guilds and Factions

Whilst all the teachers and faculties are obligated to function as neutral parties there is an undeniable bias among the each court's students and staff. Students will always turn to the staff of their own nation before any other and staff will always prefer those students of their homeland.


With the High Fae having such a higher population than any one Low Fae Species, tensions began to brew as each Faction's Elves taught their young according to their own knowledge and biases. Each Faction resented that other Factions possessed certain historical texts and taught different versions of history and were wary they were being taught stronger magical, mental and combative training than their own. 
Seeing the brewing tensions and eager to keep the peace, the Queens proposed a school for all Elves to attend where all would be taught equally by High and Low Fae alike. The school was offered to Low Fae also, who declined in favour of teaching their own young. Since they needed a location no faction could claim, the two sister queens made a decision. They would vacate the castle fortress they had been calling home, the one built by their father and the birthplace of all Fae species, and it would become a place for all High Fae to learn. The vacated castle fortress would become the new Nasrelts Academy of the Arcane.


Whilst not tourism, Elven families are permitted to visit whenever they wish so long as it is infrequently. Interrupting the studies of young Fae still learning their place is frowned upon.
Students have 2 holiday vacations per year for each solstice, each lasting 3 weeks.


The Academy is only accessible from outside the Crater Chasm by the bridge that spans between the highest tower of the Academy and the lowest pass between the Spires. All other exits of the Academy lead only to the forest filled crater enclosed by the Spires. The main building of the fortress consists of many towers and layered tiers of circular floors and balconies. The 4 dorm towers are separated from the main building. Each lies at one corner of the fortress, separated by a courtyard that has been personalised to each court. The towers are connected to the main building by corridor bridges attaching the tower floor of each tower to the rest of the Academy. The towers have also been altered over the generations to suit their court, most notably the Forest Elves' tower who actually replaced theirs with a conservatory and grew a massive tree around it. The tree is hollow inside, proving living spaces for the students and from the foliage hangs large nests that house the Forest Fae staff. The Ash Folk altered theirs the least as doing so was an impossible task. When the Spires formed around the fortress, they engulfed an entire tower, leaving it partially blended with the mountain. This was the tower the Ash Fae chose to inhabit in the Academy and they chose not to dig it out but to tunnel further into the Spires, creating large subterranean basement rooms below their tunnel.


The Academy lies in the heart of the Spires, spindly mountains formed by the explosion of the First King's death. The black peaks rise around the chasm like fingers curling around a palm. 
Surrounding Nasrelts in the crater is the fog forests, a woods that slowly die the closer you get to the crater edges and the base of the Spires. Between the lush forests and the dead woods is a boggy marsh. 
Part of the living woods has been cleared into rolling meadows that act as the training grounds for the school.
All within the crater is covered in a constant blanket of fog.
There are two Pixie Circles found the Crystal Spires Island; one by the docks and one within the Fog Forests.

Natural Resources

Within the Spires is a wealth of primordial crystal. These crystals are filled with power so pure, no fae can wield them and any more than a sliver of fragment can be deadly.
The greenhouses of the Academy grows a wealth of herbs, plants and trees but the caverns below the Ash Fae tower also grows a range of rare, poisonous plants, fungus and plants. Among both locations are plants cultivated solely there, that are found nowhere else.
Founding Date
Year 10502
Alternative Name(s)
The Academy, Crater Chasm
Outpost / Base
Between 45 and 60 students per decade
Location under
Related Tradition (Primary)

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