Forest Matriarch Rank/Title in the Fae Realm | World Anvil
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Forest Matriarch

The Forest Matriarchs are the ruling body in the Forests of Eldemur. The title is granted to the three eldest Fae in the Forests. There is no gender requirements for the specific reason that some Fae species do not have the common genders nor do their reproduction processes related to specific genders. As a result the Forest Matriarch title is given not only to elderly females but to any elderly Low Fae species capable of producing young even if they have not been able to do so in their life.
The Forest Matriarchs have no defined location nor home, they do not have to move nor leave their homes when they gain the title. However one Forest Matriarch must be present in Irm Anore at all times. 
The Matriarchs act as parents to the entire Eldemur Forest. They give wisdom and guidance to all who need it and support their people in their cultural acts and day to day life.


A large family line spawned from the Fae is preferred but is not essential.
Must be among the three oldest Fae in the Territory.


After the death of a Forest Matriarch the remaining two consult the water of Irm Anore in private where the waters show them the next in line to the title. The two elderly Fae will then travel to find their new brethren and give them the Matriarch amulet that denotes a Matriarch.


The role of a Forest Matriarch is to guide their people. They give guidance, advice and support to any who need it. Some Matriarchs choose to travel the Forests helping all their people they encounter. Others stay in their homes and help their settlements and any who visit.


The Forest Matriarchs are afforded the respect of every Fae in Eldemur. They are cared for and supported by their people as a child would their parent.


The first Matriarch didn't officially hold the title. She was the one who petitioned to the Seelie Queen Titania to speak on behalf on not just the Forest Elves but the Low Fae living in the Forests of Eldemur. She wanted all her people to be given the aide and support they needed. This matriarch went on to be an advisor at Titania's side but she wanted to still have an inside ear to her people. Her two best friends, also elderly Fae who were seen as grandmothers to their communities began to act as her eyes and ears to give her the information she needed to ask Titania for support for their people. the tradition continued after the deaths of the three friends with the elders of communities being asked for their takes on what needed done. The Tradition continued until the Seelie Queen's death when the Fae of the Forests automatically turned to their elders that have always supported them for guidance.
Civic, Honorific
Form of Address
Great Mother
Equates to
Ash King
High Priest of the Gold Council
Source of Authority
Eldest in the Territory
Length of Term
As long as their life lasts
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