Green Pantheon Organization in the Fae Realm | World Anvil
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Green Pantheon

The term Green Pantheon refers to both the Pantheon of the oldest Gods and the name of the religion that reveres them. The Green Pantheon is made up of the Gods and Patrons who's divinities are of the oldest laws of time and nature.
They favour the Forest Fae and Forest Low who follow their religion, and are the benefactors of their magical prowess.
They are the guardians of the old laws and the natural flow of time.

The Gods
  • Ola, Protector Of Beasts and Creatures
  • Eteus, Lord of Time
  • Grumdia, Goddess Of Magic
  • Amera, Lady Of Water & The Sea
  • Breris, Goddess Of Beginnings, The Mother
  • Atara, Keeper of Nature

  • Arborh, Of Spring (serves directly under Eteus, Lord of Time)
  • Thohena, Of Summer (serves directly under Eteus, Lord of Time)
  • Sarotl, Of Autumn & Harvest (serves directly under Eteus, Lord of Time)
  • Oxtix, Of Winter (serves directly under Eteus, Lord of Time)
  • Grosone, Goddess Of The Hearth, Home and shelter
  • Sky Reader

All gods in the Green Pantheon can be called upon by Fae of any land and religion by they are only worshiped by the Forest Fae in the Forests of Eldemur. An example of this could be that a Fable Fae might pray to Breris, during childbirth for a safe delivery. The Fable Fae is still calling upon a Green Pantheon Goddess but does not offer worship, merely invokes her divine domain, New Beginnings.

Tenets of Faith

  • Never turn away a guest from your hearth nor disrespect the shelter of others
  • The Flow of Time is never to be interfered with
  • Nature is sacred and never to be treated without the respect it is owed
  • Never take for granted the gifts of magic
  • Only hunt for food, both of beast and flora


The followers of the Green Pantheon are taught to respect nature and its bounty. They always show respect to the forests and lands and never take without cause or with greed. They offer shelter to those in need without demanding reward. They are generally gentle and peaceful.


The followers of the Green Pantheon show their worship at altars to their gods but also in their every action. They are gentle and peaceful and adoring and respectful of nature. They treat nature and the other domains of their gods with the utmost respect and reverence.
Religious, Pantheon
Alternative Names
Old Pantheon
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