Forests of Eldemur Geographic Location in the Fae Realm | World Anvil
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Forests of Eldemur

The Forests of Eldemur is the largest nation in the Fae Realm. The entire continent is covered in one large forest that plays home to the Forest Folk and Forest Low.
Some Forest Fae live in towns made entirely of tree houses, others live in cosy hovels dug under and around tree roots. Some live in huts and some in nests hanging from the massive trees of the Eldemur Forest. Some live even in large lodges and others in cave systems. Others live in towns reliant on trade and helping each other and others choose a solitary life where they forage all they need.
Any supplies they use to make their homes are harvested from the forest but only after the forest is done with it, e.g. only using wood from fallen trees.


The entire continent is one forest surrounding a large mountain. The forest is known for its massive trees, flora with speedy growth rates and abundance of plants, flowers and fruits. It has trees and other flora from all over the human realm and many found only in the Fae Realm. The forests are known for their beauty and majesty.
The Irm Anore mountains have a lagoon in the centre that feeds down the mountains into the Esterlinet Channel, a large river that separates the Forests from the frozen Golden Peaks.
Irm Anore has only one path leading up and through the mountains and they cannot be climbed or scaled.


The peoples and creatures of Eldemur live in harmony together. This extends to more than just protecting and caring for these woods; the Forest Folk's entire culture is built out of the forests. They live in the trees, they forage and farm its harvestables for food and ingredients to sell and use.
They have honour guards dedicated to guarding the healing waters found in the mountain range of Irm Anore.
They care for and have bonds with the creatures living alongside them in the forests which is why they never consume meat nor use hides for any purpose.
They also never take selfishly and only harvest what they must from the land.

Ecosystem Cycles

Once a year in spring, the Forest Fae pause all harvesting and farming of the land. They wait for the first fall of flowers from the trees and when it does, the amount of the flowers that fall dictates how much the Forest Fae are allowed to harvest from the land in the following year.
In this time, the creature and beast populations increase as there is more food for them to feed their young with.

Localized Phenomena

The Irm Anore mountains have a spring hidden at their centre. This spring has healing abilities and is considered sacred by the Forest Fae. The only access to the spring is a path from the city of the same name. The large city was founded to guard the lagoon and always has at least one Forest Matriarch in attendance.
Eldemur is the only place in the Fae Realm where trees grow beyond their normal size and attain massive scale. It is said the magic of the Forest Low and Elves is what creates this, as they bury their dead in the ground where their magic seeps into the soil.

Fauna & Flora

Some of the flora found in the Forests.  
Plants Trees Fungi Herbs
Itchweed Twisted Strongbark Fan Orange Elf-cup  Mellow Leaves
Nightshadow   Sneeze Mahogany Blushing Twiglet Dragon Lovage
Ghost Nettle Moon Balsa Mossy Chalice Lichen (green, purple) Ivi Bud
Stink Plant Fever Sumac Crested Milk Cap (red and blue)
Creeping Feverfew Hollow Hawthorne Giant Conk Mushroom (purple, orange
Cyst Cotton Lemon Earthstar
Luminous Hair Candy Cardoncello
Void Fairymoss Carbon Prince (orange and pink)
Mothweed Dyemaker's Fairy Cups (blue, magenta, purple)
Glowing Flax
Blue Ivy
Crystal Vine
Pixy Huckleberry 

Natural Resources

The Forests of Eldemur have a wealth of natural resources. This spans from the plants and flowers to the fruits and bounty of the trees. The earth and the soil is incredibly fertile and produces vast amounts of crops. 
Many of the beasts and creatures of the land leave plentiful sheds and furs behind as well as many other resource's including spider silk or pixie dust.


By the faith of the Green Pantheon, the Forest Fae will never turn a traveller away from their hearth and will always offer hospitality. Because of this the forests make great tourist spots. However the rural nature of many of the settlements makes Irm Anore the only real location for tourism in the country.

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