Forest Elves Ethnicity in the Fae Realm | World Anvil
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Forest Elves

The Forest Folk, also known as the Forest Fae or the Forest Elves, are the High Fae that inhabit and tend to the Forests of Eldemur. They are known for their peaceful mentality deep connection to the wilds of their lands and the beasts it holds. They have no strong alliances with any of the 3 other courts because they all view their pacific ways as weak.
All of the Forest Folk's magics are deeply connected to nature and the natural order, as given to them by the Green Pantheon, the Oldest of the Gods and their most ancient of laws.

After the death of the Seelie queen, the forest Fae retreated into their forests, leaning on their elders for wisdom and guidance. This developed into the current form of governing in the Eldemur; a triad of the eldest Fae in the forests. The three matriarch give guidance to the entire forest population and only convene when a matter of national import occurs. The Fae in general do not have high birth rates so Elders with large familial lines are especially respected.

As a rule the Forest Elves are the most respectful and connected community in the Fae Realm. It is unlikely to not be offered food and shelter at a Forest hearth however they are also deeply connected to their gods and the old laws and so they will expect something offered in return. If this expectation is not met they do not take kindly to the slight and will likely take vengeance on the blasphemer. This vengeance is rarely violent and typically takes the form of theft, rotten food, or minor curses.
The Forest Fae possess the same inability to lie as all other Fae and speak in the same subversive tongue to avoid it but they are the least sadistic and mischievous of the all the High Fae. They do not rely on pranks and manipulation to create emotion as other courts do but rather draw happiness from the peace of nature. That said they are still somewhat playful and enjoy a good taunt or tease as much as any Fae.
They are the most allergic of all the Fae to iron, as a result of their strong connection to nature and are bound by their true names just as all Fae are.
Their immunity connects to the Pixie Circles, or Gateways that the Fae use to travel between realms. Despite the Forests of Eldemur having the highest number of gateways, the Forest Folk do not require these to travel between worlds and can do so with training and great magical power. Proof of a Forest Fae's crossing can be found in the human world where the fae emerges. This is because a ring of mushroom will grow around the location of the crossing. These Forest Fae-made circles are where the actual gateways got their names; Pixie circles despite these mushroom circles not actually resembling the originals in the Fae Realm.
Incidentally the high number of Pixie circles in the forest is what created the Forest Fae's indifferent attitude to humans. Typically when a human strays across a gate, the Forest Folk turn them around and send them home. They may even give the human shelter for a night. They very rarely torment the human are other Fae might.
  Given that the Green Pantheon are the ones whom the Forest Folk draw their magics from, all of their magics and abilities are tied to nature and the natural flow of time. As such some of the ranks a Forest Elf can have after leaving the academy include:
  • Bard
  • Druid
  • Ranger
  • Shaman
  • Monk
  • Seeker
  • Rune Readers
Despite having warriors for their nations defence, most Forest Fae choose careers and paths of least violence. Even those who do fight to defend their land, have alternate hobbies, livelihoods and lifestyles that they return to when not on duty.


Culture and cultural heritage

As mentioned the Forest Fae centre their lives around their lands and the large forest that covers it. This extends to more than just protecting and caring for these woods; the Forest Folk's entire culture is built out of the forests. They live in the trees, they forage and farm its harvestables for food and ingredients to sell and use.
They have honour guards dedicated to guarding the healing waters found in the mountain range of Irm Anore.
They care for and have bonds with the creatures living alongside them in the forests which is why they never consume meat nor use hides for any purpose.
Their prophecies and divinations are based on what the forest tells them and how well the forest provides.
They make pilgrimages up Irm Anore's winding and steep slopes to reach it's centre lagoon.
The closest they have to a Capital city is made from a series of giant trees carved into large homes, all interconnected by bridges.

Shared customary codes and values

The Forest Elves are the most accepting and welcoming of the 4 High Fae Courts. They have no prejudices against Low Fae and are friendly with most High Fae with the occasional exception towards the Blood Folk that raid their lands sometimes. They are only land that allows Low Fae to be a part of the governing body without any form of test or stipulations. If a Forest Low is one of three oldest Fae in the Nation, they are a Triad Matriarch, no questions asked. 
Similarly the Forest Low are treated equally by the Forest Folk. To them they are no different and are treated as such.

Common Etiquette rules

All Fae are tricksters. Both High Fae and Low Fae use bargains and tricks and subversive words. But where all Fae in general excel in this area, the Forest Folk generally prefer hospitality over tricks. Whilst they generally still enjoy a good prank they do not derive the emotional relief other Fae do. This is because the Forest Fae pull joy from the nature around them and as such they don't rely on tormenting other to get a brief fix of emotion. When they feel they have done right by their gods' laws they feel happy and offering hospitality of hearth and home meets that criteria. As such the Forest Elves are generally open and welcoming to each other and outsiders so long as that Fae treats them and their forest with respect.

Common Dress code

The Forest Folk typically prefer colours found in nature in their apparel. If they can find a natural dye for the colour they will use it. They also despise harming creatures for any reason and do not use creature hides for clothing. They prefer homemade fabrics made from natural resources or from Fae biproducts, e.g. silk spun by spider-like Low Fae. Their wood carved armours are some of the only recorded instances of objects being blessed by the waters of Irm Anore.

Art & Architecture

Some Forest Fae live in towns made entirely of tree houses, others live in cosy hovels dug under and around tree roots. Some live in huts and some in nests hanging from the massive trees of the Eldemur forests. Some live even in large lodges and others in cave systems. Others live in towns reliant on trade and helping each other and others choose a solitary life where they forage all they need.

Common Customs, traditions and rituals

In the forests of Eldemur it is tradition to wear their death masks on the winter solstice celebrations. It's supposed to be a symbol of the death of plants in the winter months and the fae’s connection to their forests.
Another tradition is to begin the Summer Solstice with a shower of petals. The less petals the Fae are able to obtain from their forests without harming the woods, the worse the following year is predicted to be.

A tradition of Forest Elf weddings is to paint half of their partner’s face when they get married. It's supposed to bless the married couple and their families.

Birth & Baptismal Rites

When a child is born in the Forests of Eldemur, they are marked with the symbol of the Green Pantheon on their left inner wrist in either pollen, soil or tree sap depending on the season.

In the region of Eldemur it is tradition to gift a new born baby various seeds. It's supposed to be an omen of good fortune.

A child born to a mated pair of Fae can be claimed by both parents. However should the parents be unwed, the child can be claimed by only one parent. This is sometimes decided by which parent wants or needs the child, but in the case of both parents staking claim, the child goes to the Forest Fae with the larger familial clan or with eldest living relative. Forest folk parents almost always stake a claim as more descendants leads to higher status in the Forests. If a Forest Folk parent dies, the child can be claimed by the other parent even after the child is fully grown.

Coming of Age Rites

In the Woods of Eldemur it is tradition for fae to carve animal or plant totems from pieces of wood once they become adults. It is supposed to be a symbol of trust in nature and the totems become symbolic representations for the fae, to be taken along through marriages into other family houses and buried with them in death.

Upon the commencement of their teaching at Nasrelts Academy, young Fae will paint/craft their masks. From there some will carry it will them always and others place it in a safe location. The masks become symbolic to a soul to each fae, losing it or having it destroyed or stolen can deal huge emotional damage to a Fae, a species that lacks emotional range as a rule.

Funerary and Memorial customs

In the Fae realm it is tradition to cover the face of the deceased with a mask. It's supposed to prevent the spirit of the deceased from trying to return.
Forest Funerals make cemeteries into orchards. When a Forest Folk dies and is buried in the ground, a tree sprouts around their body, enclosing them in the roots and creating a casket around the body. These trees differ from Fae to Fae but will produce a fruit similar to an apple that can give visions of the future. These fruit grow extremely rarely however.

Historical figures

Queen Titania, the Seelie Queen was the ruling monarch of the Seelie Fae. Contrary to the belief of some, it was actually she who began the war between the Seelie and Unseelie. She championed the good and true and believed it was her duty to wipe out the darkness of the Faekind. It was she who began the custom adopted by the Plains Folk, to appear to human kind and star as a heroic figure in their times of woe, thus beginning the myths and legends of the Fae for humans. She too died in combat against the Unseelie queen. After her death the Seelie court split in two; the Plains Fae and the Forest Fae. Since her death the Plains Elves have placed her upon a pedestal as a paragon of truth, justice and honour. The Forest Fae chose to remember her more honestly, choosing not to glorify her and loving her good and her bad.


Beauty Ideals

The Forest Elves range in appearance from skin tone to hair colour and texture but most commonly in the Earth tone spectrum.
They are also the only High Fae Group to stray from the mostly humanoid appearance in that some Forest Fae sport foliage instead of hair and even sometimes tree bark on their skin.

Gender Ideals

The Forest Elves have never given credence to such a thing as Gender Roles or Ideals. So long as a Fae does not break laws or cause strife or harm the forests, they may act, dress and do as they please.

Courtship Ideals

The Forest Folk treat courtship and relationship more hesitantly than the hedonistic Unseelie courts but less reserved than the conservative Plains Elves. Their views on relationships are the closest to humans in the Fae Realm.

Relationship Ideals

High Fae marriages are quite common in Eldemur. This is because marriages count as extensions to familial lines and as such the practice has been encouraged over the generations. In current times, marriage is a common option for a Forest Fae's. They are not seen as rare nor are any of the Forest Folk wary of such a union.
Each marriages in the Forests of Eldemur is treated as a large celebration open to all who wish to attend.
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