Halratha Character in the Fae Realm | World Anvil
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Halratha Dagdalial, of the Red Bridge Tribe (a.k.a. Ratha)

Halratha Dagdalial is the daughter of the Warlord of the Blood Folk and his mate, the Chieftain of the Red Bridge Tribe. She is fast, competent warrior who is known for her chaotic and wild nature. She was raised as the only child of Red Bridge, the town that guards the crossing to Eldemur and has the only right to raid those lands as they please.
She grew up being trained by everyone around her, making her very street smart. She is not the most academically gifted and can be quite ditsy at times. This is made to look worse by the fact that Ratha generally doesn't care about larger issues at hand such as a politics and pays attentions to only what's in front of her. She stops paying attention once she gets bored which happens often if the subject isn't related directly to her, her hobbies or violence. Once Ratha stops paying attention it is hard to get her to acknowledge the subject again as she will simply shrug it off and walk away. 
She is soon to start her attendance at Nasrelt, Academy of the Arcane where she intends to be the ringleader of the Blood Elf students.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Ratha is lithe and fit. She is naturally slight despite being toned and muscled. She relies on speed rather than sheer strength.

Facial Features

Her hair is always messy hair and often pulled up into a high and tangled ponytail.

Identifying Characteristics

Ratha has a distinctive scent of Honeysuckle & Apples. She enjoys both regularly, snaking on apples often and using honeysuckle, her favourite flower, in her baths.
Ratha is rarely well put together. Her manic nature makes it hard for her to maintain any sense of grooming. She is always messy or unruly and her hair is never without tangles.

Special abilities

Ratha is incredibly fast. Her speed is unmatched and she is known for being quick on her feet and lightning fast with a blade and a bow.

Apparel & Accessories

The Blood Folk wear clothes made from hides, furs and leathers. Ratha is no different. at least some part of her clothes are made from such and at least half her wardrobe is made from those materials. She always wears red and browns. She also often wears armour, made from leather as metal armour is too heavy and unwieldy for the Swamp setting of her home.

Specialized Equipment

This well designed longbow has been appropriately constructed of driftwood. Its string is made from superior fur hide, it's a semi-common material around the Swamplands.
The limbs have been carved with curved horn-like spikes and are decorated with magical runes. The points have been decorated with beast horns, from which vibrant bird feathers have been attached. The stock is wrapped in fur and decorated with ominous carvings. The handle is wrapped in rare hide and decorated with magic runes.
The wide quiver is made from rare fur and hide and is supposed to be worn around the archer's back. The outer side has been decorated with runes and animal bones, which may be related to previous victories.
In the hands of a skilled archer this bow is capable of firing arrows up to 186 meters while still retaining lethal power.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Ratha was raised in Red Bridge as the Daughter of its Chief and the Warlord of the Blood Folk. She was the only young child of the tribe with the other Elven child having left for Nasrelts when she was but 40.  As the only child of a warrior town she was trained and taught by all. Since her home was the border that protects her land from Forest Fae attack, Ratha grew up accustomed to attacks and skirmishes. When she was 54, she begged her mother for a role when attacks came or raids started and was granted the task of refilling weapons stashes and supplying ammunition to warriors. 
This made her light on her feet; fast and swift, and by the time she turned 75, Halratha was not just aiding the battles but fighting in them. It was the same year she was allowed to go on her first raid of the Forests of Eldemur and made her whole town proud of her her survival of said raid and the fighting skills she displayed during.
As the daughter of not own her Tribe's Chief but also the Warlord of their entire people, Ratha grew up watching her parents receive and defeat challenges from contenders that wanted their positions. They never lost but there were times when one was injured and the young Ratha, despite have faith in her parents, began to harbour a secret fear that one of them would one day lose. And if they did, she would lose both her parents and her people would fall into the hands of someone else.


The Blood Folk are wild and passionate and Ratha is no different. She is open and wild and feverous in her love life.


Being the only child in her town, Ratha was home schooled instead of attending any school. She was taught and trained byacademicallypertains

Mental Trauma

The stress of her mother and father's being challenged all through her childhood gave rise to a determination in Ratha. She would become strong, so that if one of her parents ever lost to a challenge, she could fight that challenger in turn and see that her parents got peace in the Ever.

Morality & Philosophy

Ratha subscribes to the morality of all Blood Fae in that war and violence are acceptable but honour is never to be questioned. Killing with reason is fine but backhanded murder is an honourless act. Those are the kind of skewed morality that Ratha and her people believe in.


Never call a Blood Fae weak. Ever. 
And never call it of the daughter of the Warlord to the Blood Fae or risk the wrath of that daughter.

Personality Characteristics


Ratha doesn't have some grand plan for her life nor any huge goals. Her life is just starting and she knows that. She just wants to enjoy that life. Maybe she will uncover something new and unexplored, maybe she will be a famous, strong warrior. 
Who knows that path the gods will give her.
But whatever path she and they choose, she will walk it and enjoy every second.

Savvies & Ineptitudes

Ratha loves the study of Ancient Runes and she is skilled at reading and interpreting them. She is still learning and couldn't translate anything too advanced.
She chose archery and the spear as her weapons some time ago and is adept with both. She has trained with them for years.
Ratha's people craft everything with the loot from their hunts; their clothes, their weapons, their homes. Ratha's people have taught her how to do this but she's not very good at it, much to her frustration. She can't make clothes that don't wear or fray, or tent walls that won't leak and fall apart once a storm hits and when weapons are crafted she can only watch and add embellishments later or risk the entire weapon falling apart. 
Ratha loves astrology. She finds it fascinating but she hasn't had much chance to learn about it yet. She hopes to change that fact when she gets to Nasrelts.

Likes & Dislikes

  • Cryptology (ancient runes)
  • Astrology
  • Cooking/Food
  • Parties
  • Archery
  • Apples
  • Spear work
  • Crafting with hunt loot
  • Music
  • Storms
  • Plains elves
  • Boredom
  • Peaceful options aka boring options
  • Spiders
  • Politics
  • The colour green
  • Travelling long distances by foot
  • Heights

Virtues & Personality perks

  • Capable
  • Playful & Lovable
  • Lustful & Flirtatious
  • Enthusiastic
  • Good-Natured & Friendly
  • Earnest & Open
  • Dynamic & Cheerful
  • Athletic & Energetic
  • Innovative
  • Daring
  • Forthright
  • Good Listener

Vices & Personality flaws

  • Forgetful
  • Reckless 
  • Wild Card
  • Skewed Priorities
  • Overemotional
  • Superstitious
  • Callous
  • Extreme
  • Dense

Personality Quirks

Halratha is chaotic, both physically and mentally. Her energy is wild and untameable and she runs into situations without thinking. She is hyperactive in both thought and body.


Family Ties

Bregedir (Jedidiah) - Ratha's lost brother. He was exchanged as a changeling several decades ago. He is soon to return to his Elf form and their parents have already begun plans to bring him home and begin his Fae education.
Chief of the Red Bridge Tribe - Ratha's mother, the chieftain of their town. She upholds their customs and traditions and made certain her daughter knows them all too. She raised her child with a fierce love.
Warlord of the Blood Fae - Ratha's father and the strongest warrior in their land. He raised her to be proud and fearless.

Religious Views

As all Blood Folk do, Ratha worships the Red Pantheon. She follows their ways of war and passion and fervour. She fights and she feels and she revels in the joys of life and all the passions it evokes.

Social Aptitude

Ratha is extroverted and confident. She is fierce and open and friendly. She draws in people around her with her cheerfulness and her enthusiasm. Her people care nothing for manners and etiquette and as such, many would view Ratha as unrefined and rough. The only thing they do value in such areas in honour and acting honourably as a warrior.


Halratha is friendly and open in her manner but chaotic is everything she does. The only time she isn't manic is when she holds a bow or spear. Then her manner is more akin to a big cat, waiting to pounce.

Hobbies & Pets

Ratha adores cooking. It is one of the only skills taught to her by her mother using the resources of hunts. She can't craft well with the resources but she can cook them. She loves cooking, loves the tastes and textures of the food she makes, loves making others happy by eating them.
She also loves Cryptology, the study of Ancient Runes and Puzzles. She studies them regularly for fun and often spends her time trying to crack cryptology puzzles.

Wealth & Financial state

The Warlord's tribe is always wealthy as every other tribe gives tribute to their leader. The same can be said for the Red Bridge Tribe who regularly raid the Forests of Eldemur for goods and wealth. As the daughter of both the Warlord and the Chief of the Red Bridge, Ratha has plenty gold.
However the Blood Folk place less value on gold than other cultures. They prefer loot and trophies of war and impressive weapons. Her people have all that and gold.
Red Bridge
Large, Black, Prominent
Long, Black and Unruly
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Pale Brown, Warm, Smooth
Red Pantheon

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