Jedidiah Character in the Fae Realm | World Anvil
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Bregedir Jedidiah Archarion, of the Red Bridge Tribe (a.k.a. Jed)

Jedidiah is a hulking beast of a man. Unbeknownst to him, he is a changeling Blood Elf and has been experiencing changes as the crystal that maintains the changeling glamour degrades.
He is not a smart man but he is a sweet one. He is kind and friendly and is quite a bro at times. He loves to work out and is very large and athletic as a result. 
He isn't the most intelligent but he can be street smart at times and he reacts quickly to his environment. 
He has been struggling as his Fae nature emerges and clashes with his human upbringing. This has been made worse by the fact that, unlike most changelings who are found and brought home when their glamour begins to fade and have the situation explained to them, Jed has not been so lucky. He was found instead by Fable Fae, who see the existence of changelings as a crime. 
They arrested him and brought him to Ryren Thalor where they intend to execute him. Jed doesn't understand what or where he is, nor what is happening to him.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Jedidiah is large. He known for being tall and strong with huge muscles. This is no surprise given how much he works out. His nickname in his previous work was 'the Behemoth'.

Identifying Characteristics

One of the identifying features of Jed whether he is human or Fae is that is he very attractive. Even by Elven standards and especially by the Blood Folk standard, he seen as is exceedingly handsome.

Physical quirks

Jed is currently fluctuating between human and elf as the crystal that maintains the human glamour of a changeling dissolves. He grows fangs and his ears shift between human and elf. His strength swaps between that of a human and that of a Blood Fae. 
Soon the changes will settle and he will be left as a full Blood Elf.

Apparel & Accessories

A gym rat through and through, Jed spends most of his time dressed in workout gear. Aside from that he dresses causally, clothes aren't really something he cares about.
Once he returns to this Blood Folk Brethren, he will likely dress in clothes made of hide and leather, with armour made from the same in the colours brown, red or black.

Specialized Equipment

To cope with his loss, Jed's parents began crafting weapons for him when he returns. They settled on a sword to start:
A long, thick, slightly curved blade made of iron is held by a grip wrapped in soft, brown hide.
Dual-edged and razor-sharp this weapon is the champion's choice. It'll crush your enemies with cleaving hacks and piercing stabs.
The blade has a barbed, straight cross-guard, adding weight to the blade for a better weight balance, as well as offering hand protection during battle.
The blade itself is engraved. Ancient runes are engraved on the iron, done by Jed's sister as she too waited for her baby brother's return.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Jed was born to the Warlord of the Blood Folk and his mate, the Chieftain of the Red Bridge Tribe. He was their second child but sickened quickly by the time he had reached the age of 3 from magic poisoning. His parents had no choice but to exchange him with a human baby as a changeling. From there he grew up as a human, aging and thinking as they do. 
For 21 years he grew up with no awareness of his real home or species.
Recently he began to experience changes; he had always been rash, prone to emotional outbursts but they began to get aggressive. He began to feel impulses to act with violence, to act with rage.  Thoughts began to whisper about hunting and killing, deriding humans around him. His morality and outlook began to fluctuate and shift randomly only to snap back to normal. His body started to gain Fae features only for them to disappear the next moment. One day he woke with pointed ears and fangs only for them to disappear when he looked a second time.
It scared him. 
He thought he was going insane, turning into a killer.
And then he was grabbed by the Fable Folk. He was at home and then everything went dark. When he woke he was in a cage and creatures of fantasy surrounded him. They called him changeling and cursed him to die, spat at him and proclaimed him an abomination.
Jed had no idea what was going on. No one explained anything as he was carted through a lavish gold city. 
Now he sits in his cage and watches a pyre being built and he knows its for him.


Jed had a human education. He never attended university as he was never able to attain the grades to be accepted.


Jed previously had a job working in a warehouse. He lost it because of his erratic temper as a result of his changeling status wearing off.

Accomplishments & Achievements

Jed has never been academically gifted. He really only ever excelled in the physical classes. So he's quite proud of how he managed to teach himself lockpicking without any assistance. It may not be a big thing, but he taught it to himself and is actually quite good at it.

Failures & Embarrassments

Jed isn't the smartest guy around and he knows it. He wishes he was smarter, that he could understand complicated matter and have intuitive ideas that help those around him but he isn't and he doesn't. It makes him quite ashamed of himself at times and is why he threw himself into being the strongest person around.
But even being strong doesn't change the shame and unhappiness that claims him when he's left in the dark because he couldn't supply a solution or even understand.

Morality & Philosophy

Jed has always liked to think he's a pretty good guy. He could be a bit of an prick at times, but wouldn't commit any crimes.
However, recently he's been having strange thoughts and impulses; violent and bloodthirsty ones. Frankly he's scared he's going insane and turning into some kind of serial killer.

Personality Characteristics


Jed doesn't really know what's going on at the moment but he would like to survive it and hopefully get back home. He would accept just surviving though, he's not too attached to him home. Just please let him live.

Savvies & Ineptitudes

Jed taught himself how to pick locks when he was a teenager. He's quite good at it by now. 

Jed hasn't experienced Fae culture at all, meaning if he were given a weapon to wield, he would have to rely on brute strength rather than any skill or training since he hasn't had any yet.

Likes & Dislikes

  • Lockpicking
  • Working out
  • Animals
  • Running
  • Weightlifting
  • Stargazing
  • Boxing
  • Parties
  • Dishonesty
  • Being left in the dark
  • Plains elves
  • Being incapable/unable to do anything
  • Clowns/mimes/puppets

Virtues & Personality perks

  • Brave
  • Sociable & Friendly
  • Passionate
  • Incorruptible
  • Dedicated
  • Honourable
  • Chill & Relaxed
  • Cheerful
  • Lovable
  • Lustful
  • Adaptable & Practical
  • Forthright & Honest
  • Protective
  • Attentive

Vices & Personality flaws

  • Stubborn
  • Provocative
  • Bigmouth
  • Dense
  • Petty & Spiteful
  • Reckless
  • Undisciplined
  • Tactless
  • Sleepyhead
  • Immodest
  • Brutal

Personality Quirks

Jedidiah has big himbo energy. He is big and strong but not very smart and incredibly sweet. He can be a bit of an ass at times but he would never verbally or physically abuse someone weaker than him and would damn well stand up against it if he saw it.
Recently he has been struggling between his fading human nature and emerging fae nature. His Fae mind whispers to hunt and fight, it accepts the fantastical sights and creatures it sees as natural. His human mind rejects them saying it impossible what he sees, that he shouldn't kill or hunt. His Fae mind says he shouldn't care about humans or their feelings and his human upbringing pulls him back and makes him question his sanity.


Family Ties

Human Family - Jedidiah's human family was a fairly normal one but his parents had many expectations for their only son and Jed could never live up to them academically. He lost contact with them some time ago. Fae Family - Jed is the second child of a high-profile couple in the Fae Realm. The Warlord of the Blood Folk and the Chieftain of the Red Bridge Tribe are famed warriors and are actually quite affectionate with each other and their other child, a rarity outside of the Blood Court. Their other child, Halratha is 77 years older than Jed but is mentally the same age since Jed aged faster as a result of his Changeling nature.

Religious Views

Jedidiah never connected with any of the religions of the Human World. To him they never felt real, like there was something else out there that he was supposed to believe. This is quite common in changelings as their natural connection with their Court's Pantheon of Gods is not something that can be extinguished easily.

Social Aptitude

Jed is confident and extroverted. He draws people in with open and informal manner. He has no sense of decorum or etiquette and treats everyone around him the same. If there is a situation where he should treat someone differently, Jed isn't even aware of it.


Jed is quite dense. He is open and friendly and sweet. He is also a complete bro and is easily excited and hyped up.

Hobbies & Pets

Jedidiah has many hobbies. He taught himself lockpicking as a teenager. He works out regularly and often in many ways. He also enjoys stargazing as it lets him pull away from the stresses of life. He likes to just lay in the grass and stare at the sky and its stars, enjoying the peace.

Jed loves animals. He has no pets but always wanted one or preferably many. His parents never allowed it and he hasn't been able to afford one on his own.
Current Status
Arrested by the Plains Fae for the Crime of being a Changeling
Current Location
Circumstances of Death
Black, Small
Messy, Black, Unkempt
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Warm Brown

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