Ryren Thalor Settlement in the Fae Realm | World Anvil
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Ryren Thalor

Ryren Thalor is a mega city that spans nearly the entirety of the Plains territory. It is a massive towering structure built of gold and marble with interconnecting towers and a concentric layout.
At the top lies a huge cathedral from which the Golden Council runs the megacity and the religious government carries out their orders.
The city is known for its religious intolerance and huge wealth gap between demographics.


The highest Tiered districts of the city are all inhabited by Fable Elves. They are meticulously well maintained and manicured and always shine with polished gold. These layers have elegant towers and homes made specifically to denote wealth.
The middle Tiers are inhabited by wealthy merchant Plains Low and poor status Fable Elves. These tiers host many shops and merchants and acts as a mixing ground for Plains Low and Fable Elves.
The lowest and ground Tiers of the city are inhabited solely by the Low Fae of the Plains. These areas are poor in wealth, appearance and status. The Low Fae that live here work menial jobs and are paid little for it. They make up the demographic with the highest population in the city.


The Gold Council is the ruling body of Ryren Thalor. They are a religious government comprised of 5 High Priests and 5 warriors of the Faith. The council makes all the major decisions about the governing of Ryren Thalor, usually by majority vote.
It is a very political position in that it is rare to be recommended for an open spot without having networked and made alliances with members of the council. Positions are awarded based on who you know and who helped you to the position. To be raised to the council one must have reached a certain level of renown in their field whether that is as a warrior or a priest. To be appointed one must be recommended by someone on the council and then be voted in by majority. Getting this recommendation usually require the help of a council member to force others to vote in your favour.
The entire council is a power struggle as each member seeks to ally or subjugate the others to gain position as the unofficial leader of the council.
The Council members and their families are seen as near royalty by the citizens of Ryren Thalor and they act and are treated as such.
A member of the council can be dismissed by a unanimous vote. This rarely happens but can relates to some kind of scandal that the council wishes to distance themselves from or through some internal alliances and conflict that could lead to disputants being ousted.


Ryren Thalor has a large army of paladins, warrior monks, clerics and the like. They live, train and serve in the megacity. The vast majority of this army are Fable Elves and none of the Ryren Thalor army live below the middle tiers. They are known for their synchronised, coordinated, uniform fighting style that is efficient and elegant.

Industry & Trade

The home of the Plains Fae is known for its expensive gold, silver, and jewels trade and its sales of standardised, mass produced goods. All trading is done through the lavish trading ports.
Ryren Thalor has the highest levels of trade in the Realm.


The mines in the Golden Peaks are a huge source of income for Ryren Thalor. The mines are large and many and employ hundred of Low Fae.
The outskirts and lower tiers of the city are surrounded by farms who provide crops and food for the city.


Ryren Thalor grows in height the closer to the centre of the city you get. The upper tiers and the districts within are inhabited solely by stylised residentialdistrictsever working
The lower and ground tiers are vastly different. Their homes are dirty and falling to pieces. Those who are considered 'vastly wealthy' in the comparison to the rest of the district, have homes who's highest praise can be 'clean'. 
The shops barely scrape by and sell the lowest of quality wares. The Low Fae that live here work menial jobs and are paid little for it. These tiers have the highest population in the city in the whole city. The outer edges of the lower tiers have vast fields and orchard to supply the upper levels and those on the coast have made small shanty town fishing districts.
All the tiers are separated by large walls upon which the next tier sits upon. The higher in the city, the more lavish the tier walls and their decorations get. Every district has multiple churches and cathedrals. The upper tiers have the most.
At the peak of the city is a massive cathedral that acts as the governmental palace.


Ryren Thalor has a vast amount of wealthy. They have ample gold, jewels and luxurious goods. They grow their own crops and livestock and food to supply their city.

Guilds and Factions

The merchants of the middle tiers have a guild to regulate prices. The government and the ruling council has always had a power balance between the priests and the paladins and all council members strain to gain allies and alliances to get the upper hand in the council and therefore the government of Ryren Thalor.


After the death of the Seelie Queen, the plains Fae returned to their plains and meadows. However the deaths of the sister Queens had transformed half of their territory into arid, unliveable lands now known as the Wastes and the Red Sea. Bitterness began to brew among the High Fae of those plains. They resented that their territory was now the smallest, they resented that they had to live in fields of grass instead of gold palaces as their queen had.
The Fae of the plains had always leaned on their religious figures for guidance and without their monarch those figured took charge. The 5 strongest warriors of the faith and the 5 most devout of priests and clerics formed a council who took the lead of the plains Fae. Still stewing in their resentment, this council commission large marble cathedrals and city structures. Generations after generations of council members continued this trend until the cities joined together into one mega city and the plains were covered over entirely. They adorned their city with gold and jewels mined from the Golden Peaks separating them from the Forests of Eldemur.


The sheer size and population of the Ryren Thalor in combination with the massive amounts of trade they have leads to huge levels of tourism as merchants travel to the city to buy and sell wares.


The entire city of Ryren Thalor is made from white marble and gold. The massive structure towers above even the nearby Golden Peaks mountains. The city is structured in layered tiers, separating districts by wealth and species. The lower districts where the Plains Low reside are generally less maintained and golden. They are more shoddy and closer to the natural homes the Low Fae would have if the city had not been built, e.g, burrows, wooden huts, moss huts etc. The districts inhabited by the Fable Elves are always perfectly maintained and manicured.


The megacity long ago covered the entire plains that used to be known as Ryren Thalor. They only remaining vestiges of them can be found in the lower tiers where some meadows and plains still exist but are polluted by the disrepair of the shanty town around them. There are also minor meadows between the city walls and the frigid Golden Peaks. 
Some fabricated, overly perfect versions also exist in the tiers above.
It also borders the coast where fishing districts have overtaken the shoreline.

Natural Resources

Plants Trees Fungi Herbs
Itchweeds Moon Balsa Candy Cardoncello Parsleek
Hempain Dyemaker's Fairy Cups
(blue, magenta, purple)
Mellow Leaves
Ghost Nettle Lemon Earthstar Witch's Sorrel
Stink Plant Blushing Twiglet Dragon Lovage
Fury Fieldcress Ivi Bud
Luminous Hair
Void Fairymoss
Weeping Boxwood
Glowing Flax
Barbed Snowdrop
Pixy Huckleberry
Master Deadnettle
Azure Lilies
Crystal Vine
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